Back. Back to the Future

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You could feel the familiar cool metal beneath you as your mind slowly broke through the blackness that surrounded you. You could feel the bright lights beating down into your skull. You slowly opened your eyes taking the familiar orange walls.

Great I'm back here...

You didn't need to turn your head to recognize the familiar sounds of footsteps entering the medbay.

"You must have a death wish." Stated a familiar grumpy voice as a small smile snaked its way across your lips. As you slowly sat up and a small groan of pain sneaked out from your lips.

"Careful Doc, so one might think you care," You said humorously at the medic as you glanced around noticing you two were the only ones in the medbay, "Care to tell me what I missed?"

"Not particularly," Ratchet grunted moving to one of the empty berths and picking up a datapad.

"Too bad," You replied plopping down on the edge of the berth, Ratchet sighed turning to look at you, "Last thing I remember was being at Swerve's and Brainstorm came in with his briefcase, and then it's blank."

"Trust me it makes more sense not remembering it," Ratchet replied

"That bad?" You asked

"Worse," Ratchet replied simply before continuing to sort through the datapads in front of him, "Did you ever consider what I suggested?"

"I did," You replied

"And?" Ratchet pressed

"I don't think I'm ready," You said, and Ratchet sighed, turning back towards you with crossed arms probably to tell you that you had to talk about it at some point, "What was your war about?"

"Change," Ratchet replied simply, you looked at him confused, "In short our planet was stagnant. Stuck in a functionist class system that barely worked "

"Functionist?" you asked confused

"Functionists believed that your Alt-mode determined your worth," Ratchet explained, "A bot that turned into a microscope could be a scientist, but a say a bot like Rewind that turns into a data slug was a member of the disposable class. And they were considered just that... disposable."

"So your war was about changing the system? Between the Functionists classes?" You asked

"Yes and no..." Ratchet replied

"Then what change?" You asked not understanding

"The problem was how change would be handled and two sides rose up from the chaos. The Autobots and the Decepticons," Ratchet explained, "The Autobots wanted to transition peacefully. The Decepticons were originally like freedom fighters, but as war brewed ideals were corrupted, and things became desperate with both sides often throwing away ethics for wins over the four million years that they fought."

"And?" you asked expecting more.

"The rest isn't mine to tell," Ratchet shrugged, "You have to understand there were a lot of grey areas. You want war stories go talk to the other bots,"

The medbay lapsed back into silence and you fiddled with a couple of loose parts for a few minutes before getting bored.

"Ratchet?" You asked and the grumpy medic turned his head towards you, "How did I get back here?"

"Brainstorm shot you," Ratchet replied and you stared at the medic with your mouth gaping like fish, "then used a time machine made out of briefcases to back in time and try to assassinate Megatron

"WHAT!" You finally yelled, "This is a joke right?"

Ratchet shook his head no as he chuckled

"A fucking time machine! out of Briefcases?" You said as you paced up and down the berth you were on.

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