Chapter 11

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Daniel's POV

I was sitting on the window ledge when I heard my door creep open. Turning around, I came face to face with Skye's sinfully innocent features.

"Hey Skye, um is there something you need?" I asked, watching as he slowly made his way toward me.

He took the spot across from me, straddling the ledge as he leaned forward slowly. "Not now. I don't think you're ready now," he whispered breathily into my ear before returning to his original state.

Oh fuck- oh fuckety fuck fuck! Breathe Daniel breathe!

I took a deep breath before placing a blank look on my face, which was easier said then done. Disappointment briefly crossed Skye's features, almost immediately replaced by a flirtatious look. His hand slowly glided up my chest causing me to freeze. I wasn't sure if it was fear or lust that guided my actions, but I needed to stop them either way. I grabbed his wrist softly before pulling it away from me, shaking my head.

He pouted slightly but removed his hand from me nonetheless. "Why can't I just touch you?" There was a slight shake in his voice, and tears pooled within his eyes before slowly gliding down his cheeks, leaving red trails on his face that slowly multiplied. I wiped an oncoming tear from his face, smiling sadly at him. I couldn't deny the fact that I liked him, in fact, I liked all of the boys within these walls. But I couldn't allow myself to get too close, knowing that I was an emotional time bomb, and the explosion would not be pretty.

I hugged him softly and whispered an apology in his ear as I rubbed his back. He nestled his face in the crook of my neck, leaving goosebumps on my skin as his breath lightly brushed it. I sighed contentedly, moving my hand toward his hair and lightly brushing my fingers through the strands. He leaned in to the contact slightly, and I could feel him smile against my shoulder.

After a few moments in this position, he pulled back, smiling softly at me as he leaned forward and placed a light kiss on my cheek. I froze as he continued moving toward my ear whispering lowly as if he didn't want anyone to hear- despite being alone, "I will make you love me. And the rest of us."

I watched him walk away, giving me one last smile before he exited my room. I thought over what he said, wondering why he would want me to love him.

You're just going to hurt them in the end. You can't run from who you are Daniel, a worthless, fat piece of shit that your mother should've aborted when she had the chance. In the end, you'll kill yourself, and you know it too! The voice in my head was my father's- if you can call him that. Ever since he had died he had been there, bringing me misery even from the grave. I knew it was t really him, of course. It was just my conscious trying to take shape in the form of someone I know. And I fucking hated it. As if it wasn't bad enough that my nights were constantly filled with dreams of my father, I had to deal with them in the day too!

I groaned softly, running my hands through my hair before I laid down on my bed. It wasn't time to sleep yet, in fact, it was just about lunch, but I didn't have much of an appetite anyway, so sleeping seemed like a pleasant alternative for now.


Skye's POV:

After my visit with Daniel, I decided to speak with Damien about what had happened, which went about as well as you'd expect. Most of the conversation was spent with him reprimanding me for my 'reckless and irresponsible behaviour', but I could tell that he was a bit relieved. He wasn't a fan of asking people out, and he knew that, although I have no filter, I wouldn't take it too far. I could only hope that Daniel comes to realize how much we like him.


I apologize for the length, I was stressed and wanted to give you something. I had a mini existential crisis, which caused me to change my gender and sexual identity. I realized that I'm lesbian, and I use she/they pronouns.

I have also been trying to fight off an eating disorder that has seemed to develop. Eating food has become difficult and it's harder to keep down.

Sorry guys.

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