Chapter 13 🤮

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Daniel's POV:

Jordan woke me up at lunch time,  and the two of us made our way down. There was a decently large meal, salad and steak laid out on the table with different dressings and sauces surrounding them, but I wasn't hungry. I ate a small serving of salad before walking back to my room, attempting to resist the urge to spill my guts. I buried myself in one of the books from the library, but it wasn't helping this time. I walked to the bathroom and vomited what little I had in my stomach before heading back to my room.

As I walked toward my room, I passed Adrien's, which he of course had to walk out of as soon as I was near. He looked at my face with a thoughtful expression, before lightly grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his room. I followed cautiously, not sure what he would make of me leaving from the bathrooms after eating so little.

He pushed me toward the bed, a silent gesture signaling me to sit down. I complied, moving toward the headboard as Adrien took a seat beside me. As I waited for him to speak, I looked around his room. His walls were painted a deep navy blue, really closer to black than any color, and his walls adorned posters for many bands like Metallica, Green Day, and Pierce the Veil. His bed was on the right wall, with a a soft emerald comforter and army green sheets. His window on the back most wall was covered by black curtains with deep red-brown splatters, closely resembling (hopefully just resembling) blood splatters. He had a small bookshelf to the left of his bed, containing mostly gothic classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, and a collection of Edgar Allen Poe poems. He had a few figurines here and there, things like Furrybones* and ravens ran along the shelves around the room. The closet door was closed, but I could guess that it would be rather simple with mostly black shirts and band tees.

Finally, Adrien cleared his throat, causing me to turn my attention back to him. "Yes?" I asked, not really sure why he had pulled me into his room, even if I could kind of come up with an idea.

"Damien told us that you refused. Why?" I blinked slightly at the question, it having not been what I expected. His expression wasn't one of confusion, he looked more like I had killed his cat.

"It wasn't because of you if that's what you're thinking. I've lived a shitty life, made shitty decisions, which will have shitty consequences, and I have no desire to drag any of you into that." He didn't seem to believe me, and his features just seemed to become more dejected as time passed. I honestly hadn't expected Adrien to be like this. I could see Alex having this reaction, but Adrien had always seemed more like Damien, passive and uncaring, I appeared to be wrong though.

Sighing slightly, I leaned forward and hugged him, causing his muscles to tighten for a moment before he relaxed and carefully put his arms around me. "It's none of your faults, I swear by that. I just want to get my shit together before I go and get into a relationship and fuck up someone else's life, on top of my own," I said quietly, whispering it into his hair as he nodded slowly and unsurely. I pulled my fingers through his hair, causing him to relax further against me until he was laying on my lap and appeared to be dozing off.

Just as sleep seemed to be grasping at him, he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, softly saying, "Don't be so hard on yourself. We wouldn't have wanted you to be with us if we were scared of you doing something bad. We trust you, Daniel. I trust you," before he slipped into unconsciousness. I was shocked at his words, but didn't let myself think about them too much as I carefully laid him down and pulled the blankets over him before exiting his room and heading to my own.

I finished the book I was reading before heading to the library to trade it out. Once I walked in, I caught sight of Alex, who was sitting on one of the small study tables with his legs crossed and listening to music as his eyes zoned out on the wall in front of him. I remained as silent as possible as I walked toward the shelf on his left. He jumped slightly as he noticed me, moving off of the table and toward the exit.

"You don't have to leave on my account. I'm going back to my room to read, just needed to grab a book." He nodded and slowly made his way to a chair, watching me with cautious eyes as if I may suddenly change my mind and pounce on him. I sent him a small smile before continuing my search for a book.

"What's your favorite band?" His words were so quiet that I barely heard them, but the silence of the library helped to echo them in my direction.

"I always liked Green Day, you?" The ghost of a smile crossed his lips as he considered my response, but it slipped away slightly as he thought over my question.

"A tie between My Chemical Romance and Falling in Reverse." I responded with a nod and a smile, finally finding a book that I had desire to read. I picked it up off the shelf and moved to sit across from Alex, smiling softly as he watched me. We quickly fell into a conversation, asking random questions one after the other.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Green, yours?"


"Favorite animal?"


"Mine are emus. Ideal job?"

"Publishing's the dream, you?"


And so on. We talked and talked until dinner, which I ate more easily than I ever have in the past. I didn't even feel bad afterwards, and was able to join the guys for a movie night that I tried not to think too hard about. I read a chapter of my book and went to sleep after, no nightmares plaguing my nightly rest for the first time in a while.


Sorry for procrastinating, I have been tired and stressed and not sleeping well. Hope you enjoyed though!

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