Chapter 10

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Ember:What?*runs to the edge of the stage* Wait! *hair goes out* No, stop!

[Danny is released and he runs to her]

Ember:No! Tell me who you love! C'mon sat it! *falls to knees* Say my name! SAY MY NAAME! *falls over twitching*

Danny:The only thing we're saying here is ''Good-bye!''*fires Fenton Thermos*

[Ember screams as she is sucked in, and her band disappears]

Danny:*turns to Tucker* O-o-okay, y-you can stop now

[Tucker stands and the crowd cheers, Danny flies backstage and transforms]

Sam:Danny that was awesome! *hugs Danny*

[They let go and blush]

Sam:*half-laughs* I guess Ember's spell hasn't quite worn off

Tucker:You were never under Ember's spell

[Sam elbows him]

[A few days later, at Casper High]

Lancer:These standardized test scores are the worst in school history . No doubt due to the rampant late-night carousing prior to test day. However, one student's perfect score did manage to bring the entire school average up and that's good news for my bonus.

Ishiyama:Therefore, Tucker Foley is excused from this afternoon's mandatory cramtastic session.

Tucker:Yes! *throws off helmet* This would be an example of irony, a literary device employing the incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.

Geek girls:Tucker! We love you!

[Tucker walks off with the girls on his arms]

Sam:I don't suppose you could release Ember and get us out of this?

Danny:Nope!. Besides, she's a little busy right now

[Inside the Ghost Zone]

Klemper:Ember! Ember!

Ember:Stop saying my name!

[Klemper continues and follows Ember as she walks]


Hey guys, so this is the end of ''Danny Phantom'', transcript of ''Fanning the Flames''. Danny Phantom doesn't belong to me, it belongs to the rightful owner known as ''Butch Hartman''.

I couldn't write this story without the help of ''DameGreyWulf '', He was the one who wrote the transcript online, anyway guys...Vote, Comment and see you in someother books that is written by me.....bye for now.

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