Chapter 8

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[''Remember'' can be heard as Danny and co. Phase in from the ground. They sneak into the building while the guard is sleeping.]

Sam- *turns to Tucker* Go kill the power, we'll stand watch

[Tucker runs over to the power center while Danny stares at Sam]

Sam- uh can you watch something else besides me?

[Danny pulls out a picture of Sam and stares at it instead.]

Tucker- okay, cutting off the power. *turns switch on for PA system* Electrical power equals electrical current times electrical potential.*shakes head* Man, I gotta stop doing that.

[On stage, Tucker's words echo over the PA system, Ember, Dash and Kwan over heard and run backstage and Ember points in the direction of the power center.]

Dash/Kwan- We love you Ember!

Ember- I heard you the twelfth time, now bag 'em and gag 'em.

[Dash and Kwan grab Danny and Sam and a third guard grabs Tucker]

Tucker- If a train moving at twenty-five miles an hour...

[Off stage, Sam, Danny, and Tucker are being held captive]

Man sitting at terminal-On the air in five...four..

Ember- Later dipsticks, I gotta go rock the world. And when I say ''my world'', I mean my world!. *walks back on stage*

Sam- Danny! Stop her, now!

Danny- I won't leave you Sam

Sam- Forget about me

Danny- I can't! I won't

[On stage, the lights go out and Ember appears in the spotlight.]

Ember- Hellooo Amity Park! Tell me who you love!

[Crowd chants ''Ember McLain! Ember McLain!'' and Ember's power/hair increases]

[''Remember'' begins and is broadcasted live throughout the world]

scandinavic men- *jig* Ember, Ember, Ember.

Asian women- Ember *bow* Ember*bow*

Indian people- Ember, Ember, Ember!

Australian tribe- *cheer, shake spears*

[Off stage]

Sam- I hate to do this to you, Danny, but I can't break Ember's spell, I'm gonna break your heart. *turns around*

Dash- What're you looking at?

[Sam suddenly kisses Dash]

Danny- could you? How- Hey! Get away from her!

Dash- Ahhh! She tastes like geek!

Sam- Ahhh! He tastes like failure!

[Dash and co. run off screaming]

Sam- Danny! I'm so sorry I...

Danny- You and Dash...but we were...but..we weren't, were we?

Sam- No, Ember did that. It's just.....this is so hard, because part of me...part of me really liked this and...

[Danny looks dejected, and then glances at Ember on stage, who is sticking out her tongue.]

Danny- *growls* Ember...*eyes glow green*

Sam- Danny? Are you okay?

Danny- No. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. But I know who I can TAKE IT OUT ON!. *goes ghost and flies off*.

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