Introducing Logan Logic Berry (Written 6/5/23)

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introducing Logan Logic Berry, Logan is 21 years old and I from Great Britain. Logan is a first year at the enchanted collage. Logan is part human and part goblin. Goblins are very intelligent and Logan is no exception. Logan looks human but his skin is a little green. 

Logan isn't very social he doesn't know or understand emotions or slang. Logan has flashcards that have different slang terms and their definitions. Logan is known for being cold-hearted or emotionless. This isn't true, Logan just doesn't understand them so he just doesn't show them. Logan repressing his emotions has caused him a lot of problems like having a hard time making and keeping friends. 

Logan's inability to understand emotions could be caused by his autism. Logan was high on the spectrum but over the years he has learned how to mask the symptoms from public eyes so that he could avoid the ridicule of his peers.  

Logan also has OCD somedays are better then others. Logan hypothesis about his OCD is that it is caused by his autism as a byproduct of it. Logan's OCD does affect his life a lot and when it's bad he can't do anything other then his computations. 

Logan's father left before Logan was born and his mother is a drug addict. Logan is an only child so with his father out of the picture and his mother normally being higher then a kite 24/7 Logan had to raise himself. Logan did all the chores and when his mother home she would trash the place. Logan guesses that when he was in his early teen years his mother's lack of order and structure added to his autism and could have helped him in causing his OCD. 

Logan was on medication for both of his disorders but when he moved away from home to start at the enchanted collage he was unable to keep his perceptions so that has effected him negatively as well. 

Logan has meet all of his roommates a few days before move in day and when he saw Patton he felt this strange feeling in his chest that he choice to ignore. Logan doesn't believe in love at first sight. He has also before this point has never had a single love interest in his life. Logan thinks that love is illogical and is a waste of time so he pushed down the funny feeling in his chest like he did with all of his other emotions. 

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