Move in Day!

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' '= lie * *= tic TW- Swearing

It was their first year at the Enchanted Collage and everyone walked into their large dorm house with all their luggage. Emile, Remy, Patton, Logan, Remus, Janus, Roman, and Virgil looked around the dorm house before coming together in the living room again to pick their dorm rooms. But before they could pick rooms they had to introduce themselves!

Patton was bouncing on the tips of their toes with excitement. "Hiya kiddos let's go around in a circle and introduce ourselves I'll go first! I'm Patton and I go by they/them pronouns!"

To Patton's right was Logan who adjusted his glasses clearing his throat "Salutations I am Logan and I go by he/him pronouns." Once Logan finished his introduction he fixed his tie and looked to his right.

Remus was standing next to Logan, his head jerking to his left and he was making strange noises. Roman nudged Remus's shoulder making him look up "Oh sup I'm Remus and I go by he/him pronouns and I have *Where's my dick!*" Remus blushed deeply "Sorry I have tourettes *You're a dork! Whale penis!* sorry" Roman rubs her twin's back with her left hand that currently has a pink pronoun bracelet with a matching necklace and ring.

"It's alright Rere and I'm Roman I am genderfluid and right now I'm going by she/her pronouns." Roman introduced holding Remus looking to her right at this emo looking weirdo. "Wow you look like an emo nightmare it's your turn."

Said emo nightmare huffed rolling his eyes trying to mask his rising social anxiety. "Rude but I'm Virgil and I go by um he/him pronouns" Virgil looked to his right at the next person with false confidence.

Emile smiles "Hiya I'm Emile and I am going by he/him pronouns" Emile was smiling brightly hugging himself. He loved talking and meeting new people so meeting seven strangers was super exciting.

Remy was drinking his coffee not really paying much attention to the others till someone tapped his shoulder making him roll his eyes "sup babes I'm Remy and I go by he/him pronouns" He then goes right by to coffee.

Last but not least is Janus who was looking at his nails "It's 'not' my turn I 'don't' see I'm 'not' Janus and I 'don't' go by he/him pronouns." Everyone looked at him like he was insane not getting what he said at all. Janus huffs rolling his eyes.

Remus tilted his head at Janus with a confused face till it shifted to something like recognition "Oh! You speak *Whack a bitch!* you speak backwards *There's a bitch!*" Remus pointed to Roman while ticking there's a bitch.

Janus chuckles behind his hand and nods " I 'don't' speak backwards." Remus claps his hands super happy that he was the first person to figure it out.

Logan had his head in his hands sighing " As interesting as this pointless conversation is we have a more pressing matter to discuss which is the room situation. There are eight of us and only four rooms. So logically we have to decide who rooms with who."

Remus was ticking his head, jerking to the left several times and hitting his chest while Roman tried to help her brother as much as she could. Janus and Remy were looking at their nails little the divas they are. Emile and Patton were humming and spinning around being the happy innocent beans they are. Virgil was biting his nails since he didn't think no one was watching him and was letting his anxiety show. Logan was watching everyone trying to figure out the perfect room assignments based on how the others acted. After five or six minutes Logan cleared his throat and gained everyone's attention. " I have figured out the most logical room assignments based off of my observations from the past few minutes."

"Esto no puede ser bueno (This can't be good)" Roman mutters and Remus nodded in agreement

"Oh mio Dio, questo non andrà bene (Oh my god this isn't going to be good). Groans Remy into his beloved coffee cup.

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