Sweet dreams cutie

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Hyunjin pov:

"Would you mind staying with me, at least until he gets back?." Felix asks as he shyly plays with his fingers. My face lights up with a smile as I answer, "yes of course, I would love to." I say in a happy tone. His face lights up with joy at my answer and we both go inside his house.

"Thank you for staying with me, let's go to my room." Felix says with a genuine smile as he looks at me with his beautiful freckled face. I nod and smile back at him looking into his big beautiful brown eyes. We than make our way up to Felix's room. He opens the big door and walks in and then allows me too walk in after.

His room was quite large but not too large that it look weird, the walls were a dark Gray, the roof was white and the floor was a nice dark oak wood. His large bed in the centre of the room against the back wall and a tv right Infront of it. There are also a few more shelves and furniture items around the room. There were also too other doors which lead too the bathroom and walk in wardrobe. The room was dark but was slightly lit by the LED lights around the bed, and lastly a huge sliding glass door which lead out too a balcony since we where in the second floor.

"Wow, this room is almost as beautiful as you" I say in a smirk, as a noticeable red blush appears on the youngers face.

Felix pov:

"U-umm, th-thank you" I say in a stutter as I try to hide my red hot face. I notice a small smirk on his face and it makes me blush even harder. "W-would you like to watch a movie" I say trying to change the conversation, thankfully it worked. Hyunjin's smirk turns into a kind smile as he answers. "Sure Felix" he says in a warm tone.

I smile back at him and walk over to the bed and turn on Netflix. Then motion for Hyunjin to come sit next to me, he gladly takes up my offer, and sits right next to me making our body's only inches apart. "So what would you like to watch?" Hyunjin questions staring into my eyes, with a comforting smile. 
"I don't know, you can choose. I'm fine with anything." I say reassuringly. "Okay Felix" Hyunjin than picks up the remote and looks through the movies, until he finds one he likes. "How about this one" he say pointing at the tv. I look at the tv screen and see the movie 'IT'. (Author: I don't watch many horror movies so don't expect much.)

My eyes grow wide as I stare at the screen 'i hate horror movies' I think to myself before answering. "Umm yea sure." I say kind of nervous but not wanting upset him. "Okay great" he says with a smile as he turns on the movie and rests back on the back of the bed frame.

Third person:

Hyunjin and Felix both rest on the back of the bed frame next to each other, as they both watch the movie. They sit in silence focusing on the moving, when suddenly a clown pops out of nowhere and scars the hell out of Felix. Causing him to jump in his seat and cuddle into Hyunjin's chest.

Hyunjin pov:

I was focusing on the movie, when suddenly I feel small arms wrap around me. Felix had grabbed onto my shirt and was cuddling up against me. I look down at the younger boy who was hiding his small face in my chest. I take the chance to wrap one of my arms around his waist and place my other hand on the bottom of his thigh. Pulling his body up, making his head rest on the side of my neck. "You're okay beautiful" I say in a sweet voice, still keeping a tight hold on his little body.

Felix pov:

As I lay snuggling into Hyunjin's side, I can't stop myself from blushing like crazy. I could feel his big hands wrapped around my body keeping me close to him. I want to move but can't bring myself to.

Hyunjin and I Finnish watching the movie, still in the same position. With me practically jumping at any even mildly scary part, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. It felt nice being that close to Hyunjin, like I'm safe and nothing can hurt me. After the movie I tilt my head up to look at the taller man.

"it's getting pretty late you could stay the night if you'd like." I say looking into the handsome man's sharp deep brown eyes. "yea I would love that, if you don't mind." Hyunjin answers looking back down at me with a slight smile. "Okay great, I'll go quickly take a shower and be back in a minute." I say before leaving. I quickly have a shower and get dressed into some comfortable pyjamas. I was wearing a pink oversized t-shirt and a pair of black shorts that cover about a quarter of my thigh.

I than exit the bathroom and walk over to Hyunjin, who was sitting on the side of my bed.The second he saw me he wouldn't stop staring at me."I'm back Hyunjin" I say with a smile. He quickly snaps back to reality and gives me a big smile. But I couldn't help but notice a hint of worry in his face, and than it hit me. He didn't have any clothes to wear. I thought for a second before speaking.

"I have some baggy clothes that will probably fit you. I'll lend them to you so that you don't have to sleep in a suit." I say with a hint of a joking tone. I watch his face as his worry turns to a happy smile. "Thank you Felix. I was wondering how I was gonna shower, since I didn't bring anything." He says genuinely. I smile back at him "you're welcome follow me." I say walking over to my closest and he follows close behind.

I give him a white t-shirt and some baggy gray sweat pants, both of witch were way to big for me. He had a quick shower and walked out of the bathroom in the clothes I gave him, which fit him perfectly. His long black silky hair was still slightly wet and it made him look really attractive. I have never seen him in anything other than a suit and he looked even better than usual. Which I originally thought was impossible.

"Alright let's go to bed now" I say with a tired slight smile. Hyunjin looked at me with a soft face before asking. "Won't your father get upset if I stay here?" He ask in a worried tone. "Don't worry my father doesn't come into my room past 10:00pm because he (Lee) knows I'm usually asleep by then." I reassure. He nods and smiles at me.

We both get into bed on seperate sides and I try to fall asleep, but can't. After about 20minutes of lying awake, I decide I can't take it any more and roll over to face Hyunjin, who suprisingly was also still awake. "H-hyunjin?" I start quietly. "Yes beautiful" he responds now looking at me. C-can we cuddle? I can't sleep." I ask shyly looking at him with puppy eyes, that could barely be seen because of the darkness of the room. "Of course Felix." He says pulling me onto his chest, allowing me to cuddle into his side. I feel him rest a hand on the back of my upper thigh, before we both drift of to sleep.

Word count: 1316
A slightly longer part than usual but I hope you enjoy anyways

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