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Jieun POV

1 week later

It's been a week, and so far, Wonwoo, Mingyu, and I have spent three days in the studio working on the project. Of course, we had other classes and had to go home, but we spent all of our free time in the studio working. I've been working on the lyrics, while Mingyu and Wonwoo have been handling the instrumental part.

I'm at home right now, and Jeonghan has been ignoring me for days now because of what happened back at the restaurant. I admit that I was being a bit overdramatic, but I just didn't like the fact that he was making fun of my social anxiety. But it doesn't really matter because, honestly, I miss my cousin.

I sat up and decided to go knock on his door. Not hearing any response, I slowly opened it. It wasn't too late, and Jeonghan isn't someone who sleeps early, so my guess is that he's pretending. I entered his room and saw him at his desk, asleep. I chuckled and went to him. My curiosity being one of my defaults, I couldn't help but look at what he was doing on his computer. That's when I saw that he was looking at old pictures of us. I smiled again and shook him a bit. "Oppa, wake up. It's not comfortable to sleep on your desk." He slowly opened his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, stretching his arms and sitting up. I cleared my throat and said, "I wanted to apologize." He looked at me and smirked. "Took you long enough. Come here." I sighed in relief and hugged him. Jeonghan is the only person beside my aunt that I allow such physical contact. "Yah, you could've apologized too! You're the one who was being mean to me." "Oh, was I? It was a joke, you know I care about your social anxiety, Jieun, but yeah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I nodded and said that it was okay.

As he was getting to bed, I couldn't help but think about what I saw last week. I know how much Jeonghan loves music, but I never thought he was actually going to get into it. Honestly, I think it's a good thing that he finds comfort in one of his passions. But I'm kinda offended that he doesn't feel comfortable enough to tell me about it.

Now it isn't my place to talk about it with him. I turned around to find him fast asleep. "Yah, how can you fall asleep so fast when it takes me two sleeping pills, a calming tea, AND at least two hours without electronics to fall asleep?" Obviously, he didn't answer, so I turned off the lights and went to my room. As I laid down on my bed, I checked my phone for notifications.

Instagram min3o_51 sent you a voice message.

Instagram min3o_51 tagged you in a comment.

Wonwoo 😻 Jieun-ah, do you want to eat with Mingyu and me tomorrow?

I instantly clicked on Wonwoo's message. "I'll reply to Minho later."

Wonwoo 😻

Jieun-ah, do you want to eat with Mingyu and me tomorrow?

Hi Wonwoo! It depends; I don't like the cafeteria.

Oh yeah, right. Mingyu told me. Maybe we could all go to the rooftop?

That's perfect!


I'll tell Mingyu.

Have a good night, Jieun.

And don't stay up too late reading books ;)

Don't worry about that; I'm too tired anyway.

Sleep well. 😊

I know that I'm probably being delusional, but it's great to feel like he cares about my sleep schedule. As the days passed, the embarrassment of being around Wonwoo turned into comfort. My heart still races every time I see him. But I feel comfortable around him and Mingyu. I guess I could almost consider them as friends.

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