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Jieun POV

Sunday mornings are always a source of relaxation, especially when spent with family. Today, my aunt, Jeonghan, and I decided to have a Harry Potter movie marathon. Snuggled up on the couch, munching on popcorn, there's a sudden knock on the door. Curious, I get up to open it, only to be surprised to find Wonwoo standing there, looking charming as always. "Wonwoo, what are you doing here?" I ask, my heart skipping a beat at his unexpected visit.

Before Wonwoo can respond, my aunt appears behind me, her eyes widening with curiosity. "Who's at the door, Jieun?" she asks.

Wonwoo, ever the polite gentleman, bows respectfully. "Hello, I'm Jeon Wonwoo. I'm Jieun's friend-."

Feeling a rush of boldness, I decide to throw her off guard. "Boyfriend, he's my boyfriend," I declare, my cheeks turning rosy as I share the surprising news.

My aunt gasps, clasping her hands together with excitement. "Oh, that's wonderful! I had no idea. Jeonghan, come here! This is Jieun's boyfriend, Wonwoo!" she exclaims, beckoning my cousin over.

Jeonghan saunters into the living room, grinning mischievously. "Oh, I knew it already. You're not as secretive as you think, Jieun," he teases, shooting me a playful wink.

Surprised and slightly embarrassed, I try to defend myself. "How did you find out? I never told you!"

He chuckles, leaning against the doorway. "Well, you should be more careful about your late-night phone calls. It's not hard to figure out," he teases, enjoying the moment.

"Okay, okay, you got me," I admit, feeling caught in my tracks.

My aunt laughs, patting Wonwoo on the shoulder. "Well, he seems like a wonderful young man, Jieun. You've got yourself a handsome and tall boyfriend," she says, complimenting him.

Wonwoo, ever the gentleman, smiles warmly. "Thank you, it's really nice to meet you."

As my aunt tries to invite Wonwoo inside, I interject, not ready for everyone to witness our lovey-dovey interactions just yet. "Actually, Wonwoo and I were planning to go out," I say quickly, grabbing my jacket and shoes.

Wonwoo plays along, following me outside. Once we're a few steps away from the house, he chuckles softly. "Your aunt seems lovely."

"Yeah, she is," I reply with a smile. "I'm just not used to her knowing so much about my personal life."

"It's alright," Wonwoo reassures me, taking my hand in his. "She seems happy for us, and that's what matters."

"You're right," I agree. "So why'd you come over?" I ask. "Umm honestly I was bored and thought, 'Why don't I spend the day with my lovely girlfriend,' so I came," his words made my heart skip a beat as always. We've been together for a bit more than a month, and I'm still not used to this side of Wonwoo.

I playfully hit his arm and chuckle, "Okay smooth move playboy, what do you want to do?" He intertwines our fingers, "How about we go to the mall?" I nod in response.

As we walk towards the mall, Wonwoo remarks with a smile, "You know, you're wearing that dress we bought last time with Jeonghan and Mingyu."

I look down at my outfit and recall the memory, "Oh, you're right! That was such a fun day."

Wonwoo looks at me with a warm smile, "It was more than fun for me. That was the day my feelings for you were confirmed."

My heart flutters at his words, and I can't help but ask, "Really? What made you realize?"

He gazes at me affectionately, "It wasn't just the dress itself, but the way you looked in it. You were radiant, it was everything about you that day, the way you smiled, the way you talked, to the way you laughed, and it hit me that you were more than just a friend."

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