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Jieun POV

Later that night

Around 1 AM, I woke up with a bit of a headache from the alcohol. I rubbed my temples, trying to piece together the events of the night. I remembered agreeing to stay at Wonwoo's place, and upon sitting up, I noticed he was nowhere in sight. I decided to get up and look for him.

I found Wonwoo in the kitchen, cooking some ramen. He turned around and softly smiled upon seeing me. "Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. "Hey," I replied, trying to suppress a groan from the headache. "I'm okay, just a bit of a headache. Thanks for letting me stay here tonight."

He nodded. "Of course, no problem. Here, have some water," he said, handing me a glass. I gratefully took a sip, feeling a bit better. We started talking about the karaoke night and all the fun we had. Wonwoo mentioned how he found it amusing that a similar situation had occurred a few weeks ago, but at that time, he was the one who was drunk, and I took care of him, just like he was doing now.

I was surprised that he remembered that night. "You remember all of it?" I asked, slightly amazed. He chuckled. "Yeah, I do. You took good care of me. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to," he teased playfully.

I blushed a bit, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. "It's not that I don't want anyone to know. I mean, it was a fun night. I just... I don't remember everything, and I wasn't sure if you did either."

Wonwoo noticed my nervousness and flustered expression, and he couldn't resist playfully teasing me further. "Hmm, is there something in particular you're worried about me recalling?" he asked, getting closer to me as I took a step back, my back hitting the fridge.

I stammered, trying to keep my composure. "N-no, not really. It's just... you know how it is when you have a few drinks. Some things become a bit fuzzy." He leaned in, his face just a few inches from mine, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on, you can tell me," he teased, the tension between us growing.

I swallowed nervously, feeling my heart race. "It's nothing, really," I said, trying to sound nonchalant, but my voice betrayed me. Wonwoo continued to playfully press on. "Oh, really? Your face says otherwise," he said, raising an eyebrow.

As the tension grew, and I could feel my cheeks burning, the ding of the kitchen timer interrupted the moment. Wonwoo stepped back, a playful grin still on his face. "Saved by the timer," he said with a chuckle, turning back to the ramen. I took a deep breath, grateful for the distraction. "Yeah, saved by the timer," I replied, trying to steady myself.

As we settled down on the couch, ramen bowls in hand, we decided to watch a random TV show to unwind from the night's events. The soft glow of the television illuminated the room, creating a cozy atmosphere. The tension from earlier seemed to dissipate as we laughed and chatted, enjoying each other's company.

As we savored the warm ramen, our conversation naturally drifted to the topic of Minho, the guy who had been bothering me for the past few weeks. I sighed, recalling the incidents where he had shown up at my work, causing unnecessary trouble.

"You know, that guy Minho can be really annoying," I said, frowning. "But Mingyu and I took care of him when he wouldn't leave me alone." Wonwoo looked surprised. "You and Mingyu took care of him? What do you mean?"

I chuckled, a hint of pride in my voice. "Well, we didn't hurt him or anything, but we taught him a lesson. He showed up at my workplace, causing a scene, and Mingyu and I had to step in. We made it clear that he should back off and leave me alone."

Wonwoo's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, I didn't know you knew how to handle yourself like that." I smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "Oh yeah, I used to take taekwondo classes when I was younger. It's been a while, but I guess some things stick with you."

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