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Jeonghan POV

As I sat at the dinner table with my family and Wonwoo, I couldn't help but observe the affectionate glances exchanged between him and my cousin. They seemed so happy together, and it warmed my heart to see her smile radiantly. But as her protective cousin, I couldn't resist teasing Wonwoo a little, just to make sure he truly deserved her.

"So, Wonwoo," I said with a mischievous grin, "what do you like most about my cousin Jieun?"

Wonwoo's expression turned slightly nervous, looking around as if seeking an escape route, but there was no saving him . He took a moment to compose himself before answering, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "Well, where do I even begin? Jieun is amazing. She's kind, funny, and her laughter is infectious. I love how passionate she is about the things she cares about, and her smile... it just brightens up my entire day."

his answer was far enough but I had to make sure he was truly sincere about his feelings for Jieun. "You better take good care of her, Wonwoo," I said with a serious tone, "She means the world to me, and if anything happens to her, you'll have to answer to me."

Wonwoo nodded earnestly, the sincerity evident in his eyes. "I promise hyung. I cherish her deeply, and I'll do everything I can to make her happy and protect her."

My heart softened, seeing the genuine love and commitment in his words. "Alright then, I trust you. Just know that if you ever break her heart, you'll have to deal with a very angry cousin," I warned with a playful smirk.

Throughout the dinner, the atmosphere lightened, and we enjoyed a lovely evening filled with laughter and stories. Wonwoo shared how he and Jieun had first met, and it was like hearing a beautiful romance unfold before our eyes. Their love was undeniable, and I couldn't help but feel happy for both of them.

As the night went on, I couldn't help but notice how Wonwoo's eyes sparkled whenever he looked at Jieun. It was clear that she meant the world to him, and that made my heart swell with joy.

At the end of the evening, my mom, leaned over to Wonwoo and whispered with a playful wink, "Take good care of my girl, Wonwoo. She's special to us."

Wonwoo smiled warmly, his eyes never leaving Jieun's as he replied, "I promise. She's special to me too."

As I watched them together, I knew that Jieun was in good hands. Wonwoo's love for her was genuine, and he had earned my trust. With a sense of relief and happiness, I realized that my cousin had found someone who truly cherished and adored her.

(the next day)

Jieun POV

I sit nervously in Mr. Choi's class, my heart pounding as spring break draws near. The anticipation in the air is palpable as the teacher prepares to announce the best grade for the group project. I'm surrounded by Mingyu and Wonwoo, and we anxiously wait for our fate.

Mingyu leans over to me and whispers, "I hope we did well enough, Jieun. Our song was pretty unique." I nod, trying to stay positive. "Yeah, we put our hearts into it. Fingers crossed!"

As Mr. Choi calls for silence and begins announcing the grades, my hands tremble slightly in anticipation. With each passing moment, my heart beats faster, and the suspense builds up.

Wonwoo looks at me with a nervous smile. "We got this, Jieun. Our teamwork was solid."

I offer him a reassuring smile. "You're right, Wonwoo. No matter the outcome, I'm proud of what we accomplished together."

Finally, Mr. Choi announces that there are two teams left: our team, and Minho's team, he's with Sana. The tension in the room heightens, and we're asked to step forward to hear the final verdict.

Minho, with a smirk, glances at Wonwoo and says in a condescending tone, "Your stupid song won't stand a chance against us."

Before Wonwoo can respond, I step in and take his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. "Ignore him, Wonwoo. We know our song was amazing, and Minho's just trying to get under our skin."

Wonwoo gives me a grateful smile, and I can see the tension ease from his shoulders. "You're right"

As the teacher requests a little drumroll, I feel my heart racing. And then, finally, the announcement is made - our team won with our song "Bittersweet"! The class erupts into applause, and a wave of relief washes over me.

Mingyu high-fives me, beaming with pride. "We did it, guys! Our hard work paid off!"

Wonwoo pulls me into a tight hug, and I hug him back with excitement. "I'm so proud of us, Wonwoo. We make an awesome team!"

Mr. Choi congratulates us, and I can't help but feel a mix of joy and pride. We thank him and everyone starts to leave the class, as we do too

Mingyu puts his arm around Wonwoo and me, proposing to go out to eat to celebrate our victory and the start of spring break. As many students leave the school, excited for their vacations, the three of us decide to head to the rooftop, our usual spot. The memories of the things that happened there before spring break hold great significance to us.

Sitting on the rooftop, we reminisce about the journey we had during the project. Wonwoo and Mingyu start teasing me, finding it funny that I initially didn't want to work with them. They confess that they were a bit disappointed because they always considered me a remarkable student, consistently at the top of our class.

I feel a bit shy at their compliments but I explain, "I didn't want to work with you both at first because I had never collaborated with anyone on a school project. I thought I would just be a burden to you because of my shy personality."

Mingyu chuckles, ruffling my hair playfully. "Jieun, you're anything but a burden. You brought such creativity and dedication to our project. It wouldn't have been the same without you."

Wonwoo nods, smiling warmly. "Yeah, working with you has been an amazing experience. We made a great team."

I feel a sense of gratitude and relief wash over me. "I'm glad Mr. Choi forced me to work with you both. It turned out better than I could have imagined, and I'm thankful for the friendship we built through this process."

Mingyu grins, teasingly adding, "See, Jieun, you underestimated the power of teamwork!"

Wonwoo playfully nudges Mingyu. "But in the end, she came around and realized how awesome we are."

I roll my eyes playfully, feeling a warmth spreading through me from their words. "Okay, okay, you two are pretty great. I should've known that from the beginning."

Mingyu wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a side hug. "That's the spirit! Now, let's make this spring break unforgettable. Any plans?"

Wonwoo leans back, looking thoughtful. "How about exploring some new places in the city? We could visit the art museum or try out that new cafe everyone's been talking about."

I nod eagerly. "Those sound like fantastic ideas. Plus, we'll have plenty of time to relax and enjoy each other's company."

Mingyu grins mischievously. "And maybe, we can also work on some new song ideas while we're at it. Who knows, our next project could be even better!"

I chuckle, feeling excited about the prospect. "That sounds like a plan. Let's make the most of this break and come back with even more creativity."

As we sit there on the rooftop, the sun begins to set, painting the sky with vibrant hues. The city starts to quiet down, and it feels like the perfect moment to bask in the warmth of our friendship.

Wonwoo raises his strawberry milk, proposing a toast. "To us, and to many more adventures together!"

We clink our milks , and I can't help but feel grateful for having these two incredible friends by my side. "To us!" I exclaim with a smile.

The rest of the evening is filled with laughter, stories, and plans for the days ahead. As the night grows darker, we stay on the rooftop, stargazing and dreaming about our future projects. I know that no matter what challenges come our way, I have Mingyu and Wonwoo beside me, making every moment unforgettable. Spring break has just begun, and I can already tell it's going to be a time of joy, growth, and cherished memories.

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