Issue #1: The Bite of Destiny

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New York City, the city of dreams, well if you ignore the late night alley muggings and crooked cops floating around. But hey, who cares, pop culture keeps everyone hooked with its latest trends and endless stream of mindless memes. Among the five boroughs, Brooklyn becomes the stage where an ordinary boy, with a deep dislike for bullies, unexpectedly gains incredible powers. Little does he realize that this twist of fate will set off a series of life-altering events that he never saw coming.

"Multiple subway attacks and alley muggings/assaults persist, with rumors linking entrepreneur Marco Merino to the crimes as the suspected underground crime lord known as The Viper, profiting off the vulnerable. Police efforts continue while citizens are urged to report any relevant info-"

Ji-Hoon skillfully maneuvered his bike around a tight corner, passing by a deli where a blaring TV broadcasted the local news, nearly causing a collision that elicited a honk from an irritated driver. It was November, a month with pleasant biking weather, perfect for wearing a sweater without the need for a jacket. Sophomore year at Bayview High School had arrived, another year for Ji-Hoon, who sported a mullet, to reluctantly navigate in order to obtain his diploma.

Bringing his custom road bike to a halt, Ji-Hoon unclamped his helmet buckle and proceeded to lock his bike at a designated rack. He slung his backpack back on and inserted his earbuds, before making his way towards the entrance alongside his fellow students. With Spotify playing at a low volume, Ji-Hoon inadvertently overheard snippets of conversations around him.

"Dude, that Mia girl is so bad!" one boy exclaimed, engaging in conversation with his friend.

"I know, right? She's not just hot, she's also smart! She's got it all man!" his friend responded.

Another voice chimed in, "Give it up, guys. Y'all outta her league. Her dad got big money. Plus, I saw Kyle talking to her the other day."

"Oh man, Kyle always manages to bag the baddies..." the first boy lamented.

His friend chuckled and added, "Kyle is gonna have fun ramming his di-"

The first boy interrupted with a crass remark that Ji-Hoon hastily drowned out by rapidly adjusting the volume button, allowing the bass from his playlist to overpower the conversation the degenerates in front of him were having. 

Ji-Hoon strolled along, hands snug in the pockets of his varsity jacket, his body swaying lightly in rhythm with the music playing through his earbuds. With his first class approaching, he reached his locker and swiftly spun the combination lock, unlocking it. Suddenly, someone jostled his backpack, prompting him to glance to his right, where a group of troublemakers was tormenting a freshman. They taunted and toyed with the younger student, tugging him back and forth while snatching his hat and tossing it amongst themselves. Helpless, the freshman attempted to reclaim his hat to no avail.

Ji-Hoon's gaze hardened, and he closed his locker, observing as the group turned a corner and disappeared from sight. A sigh escaped through clenched teeth as he mustered his resolve. With a swift turn on his heel, he made his way to class, determined to put the incident behind him. Ji-Hoon Kim never had much tolerance for bullies. In fact, there were quite a few things he couldn't stand - mediocrity, gaslighting, evading responsibility - and let's not forget the swarm of entitled jerks that populated Bayview High School. It was precisely why Ji-Hoon preferred to keep to himself, shrouded in social anxiety and harboring resentment towards his obnoxious classmates. Becoming as invisible as possible seemed like the perfect strategy.

The only exception to Ji-Hoon's disdainful attitude was his friend Ethan, who sat next to him at lunch.

"Dude, can you at least try to look remotely happy about existing?" Ethan nudged Ji-Hoon's side, hoping for a glimpse of enthusiasm. Ji-Hoon glanced at him with a bored expression before continuing to devour his cafeteria-grade burger.

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