Issue #4: Pursuit of Retribution

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Ji-Hoon expertly maneuvered his bike in the alley, using a pedal to execute a swift turn, drifting behind a dumpster and causing the puddle near it to splash water around. After leaning his bike against the wall, he donned his mask and adjusted his cap. Placing his bag beside the bike, he noticed a Food Bazaar tarp nearby, which he picked up and draped over his bike to conceal it. He then took out his phone and saved the location where he left his bike. With the phone now in his pocket, he glanced up at the wall, contemplating his next move. He squatted down and propelled himself into a powerful jump, latching onto the wall with his hands and feet. Ji-Hoon focused on his breathing, gradually increasing his pace as he skillfully crawled up the wall, becoming more comfortable with each movement.

Having reached the top, he hauled himself over the building's edge. The boy walked to the opposite side, where the window lights of Flatbush's brick and rundown buildings shone like the glowing eyes of an eldritch god peering down at humanity. Ji-Hoon retrieved his phone and opened the Citizen app, using it to monitor the surrounding area. If Alejandro truly belonged to the Serpent Crew and was as infamous as the news suggested, The Viper would likely have put him back to work soon after his release. If he made a move tonight, Ji-Hoon would be there to intervene and seek answers.

3 hours. 3 hours and no sign of Alejandro. With each robbery alert, Ji-Hoon leapt from rooftop to rooftop, swiftly making his way to the crime scene. From above, he scanned the suspects, searching for any Serpent Crew indicators like their infamous jackets or tattoos. Yet, none of them turned out to be Alejandro. Disheartened, Ji-Hoon left the scene every time. He landed on the rooftop he had chosen as his central starting point for the thirteenth time that night, coming to a stumbling stop as he exhaled heavily. Exhausted, frustrated, and running on fumes, the lack of sleep and three hours of rooftop running caught up to him. He started to consider calling it a night.

No. No he couldn't, the boy shook his head, refusing to take the risk of Alejandro being imprisoned again, away from him and unable to provide answers to the truth he sought. Rodriguez was out there somewhere, and Ji-Hoon knew he would eventually slip up, leading him closer to the elusive truth. An alert on Ji-Hoon's phone diverted his attention, signaling another robbery. Taking a deep breath, he pocketed his phone, zipping the pocket back up as he prepared to continue his pursuit.

Once again, the boy began to run, the chilly night air whipping against his hoodie as he sprinted. The feeling of freedom and exhilaration surged through Ji-Hoon as he dashed across the rooftops, cutting through the wind and relishing the added danger of his surroundings, much like the thrill of biking through the bustling streets of New York City.

Under the cover of night, the rhythmic patter of footsteps resonated as Ji-Hoon's figure glided through the darkened sky. With each powerful bound, he appeared as a supernatural prowler of the night, swift and agile. Suddenly, the distant wail of police sirens reached his ears, spurring him to push his legs even harder, feeling the burn in his quads as he strained to reach the scene ahead of the police. With three long lunges, he came to a stop, swinging his arms behind him before leaping into the air, the wind of the chilly night whipping against his body. Anticipating the fall, Ji-Hoon stretched out his legs and executed a roll, dispersing the force of his landing. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, he stumbled to his feet, just managing to halt before teetering over the building's edge.

Cautiously peering down and ahead, the boy observed the unfolding scene with a mix of disappointment and frustration. "Damn," he thought, realizing he had arrived too late. Ji-Hoon pulled out his phone, taking a knee to utilize its camera and zoom in for a closer look. Three perpetrators were already in police custody, forcefully restrained against cars and shoved into cruisers. The police vehicles roared away from the scene, sirens blaring in the night, Ji-Hoon clicked his teeth in frustration and let out a sigh. Alejandro was nowhere to be found.

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