Issue #5: Rise of the Vigilante

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Ji-Hoon's eyes fixated on the sink, his tense expression reflecting in the mirror as he expelled the toothpaste. As he concluded brushing, he reached for a cup to cleanse his mouth. The water swirled around, a momentary distraction from the thoughts crowding his mind. He spit out the water, letting it flow from his lips as his gaze shifted to the toothbrush in his hand.

Slowly, he lowered it into a designated cup, his eyes inadvertently drawn to the adjacent blue toothbrush – his Dad's. The sight stirred a complex blend of emotions within him, his heart heavy with memories. He blinked back the threat of tears, swallowing hard against the knot in his throat. Frustration surged within him, a sudden fury overcoming his melancholy. His teeth clenched, his scowl deepening, and with a surge of raw energy, he hurled the cup in his hand against the bathtub wall.

Slipping into his windbreaker, Ji-Hoon felt the lingering moisture in his hair from the shower. Just as he was about to head downstairs, a voice reached his ears — his mother was on the phone.

"Yes, this is Soo-Mi Kim... Oh, is there still an opening?... Mm-hmm, I've worked there before... You do? That's good! Yes, I'm free this afternoon... Okay, I'll see you then!" Soo-Mi's voice conveyed a blend of excitement and eagerness before she hung up the phone.

Ji-Hoon caught the sound of Soo-Mi's relieved exhale just as he was midway down the stairs. "Morning, Mom," he greeted, stepping off the last stair.

"Good morning, honey," Soo-Mi replied warmly.

A scent wafted to Ji-Hoon's nose, a blend of eggs and a tangy undertone. His eyes traveled to the dining table, where a plate was set on the side opposite Soo-Mi. "김치 계란, (Kimchi egg,)" she offered with a smile, lifting her steaming coffee cup to her lips.

"들어봐, 자기. (Dig in, dear.)" Soo-Mi savored a sip of her coffee, a medley of bitter coffee bean, velvety milk, and a touch of sweetness mingling on her palate.

Ji-Hoon offered his mom a small, grateful smile. "고마워요, 엄마, (Thanks, Mom,)" he thanked before heading to the dinner table.

The wooden chair gave a faint creak as he pulled it back and settled into it, eagerly grabbing his chopsticks. Leaning closer, he inhaled the mouthwatering aroma, then dug into the dish.

Soo-Mi's heart warmed as she lowered her coffee cup, observing her son relishing her cooking.

Sitting back after his meal, Ji-Hoon sipped his milk and watched his mom diligently washing the dishes. He paused mid-sip, a faint milk mustache gracing his lips. Curious about their phone conversation, he finally spoke up, "엄마?"

"네, 자기? (Yes, dear?)" Soo-Mi responded, finishing the last dish and wiping her hands on her apron.

"What were you talking about on the phone earlier?" Ji-Hoon inquired, oblivious to the milk on his lips.

Soo-Mi rested her hands on the kitchen countertop, her gaze dropping momentarily before lifting again with a smile.

Slowly pushing herself away from the counter, she explained, "음, 아직은 집안의 남자로서는 조금 어린 것 같아. (Well, since you're still a bit too young to be the man of the house.)"

She walked over to Ji-Hoon and took a seat beside him. "나는 내 옛날 간호사 면허를 다시 꺼내서 써볼까 생각 중이야. (I'm thinking of dusting off my old nurse's license,)" she continued.

Ji-Hoon's response was a simple, "Oh."

Soo-Mi exhaled softly through her nose, her smile lingering as she wiped the milk mustache away, her hand coming to rest on Ji-Hoon's left cheek.

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