Chapter 37: Insomnia

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Dorian's entire demeanour changed in less than a second. Everything haunting, melancholic and painful disappeared from his expression, and a smug smile replaced it with liquid ease, like he'd been waiting for this opportunity and was ready to put everything aside to enjoy it.

A rush ran down my spine, making me wonder for a second whether this was a good idea. Perhaps the lack of sleep has been messing with my judgement, but I decided I'd go through with it.

"Let's go then." Dorian grinned and strode towards me, his step light and easy, despite the drunken haze in his eyes.

Anticipation overtook my ribcage. There were better things to do, my brain tried to shout. I should tell Lucia what happened to me and Jax and let her investigate. I should get a new phone and see if Jasmine found out something at the ball. I should call Jax and beg for forgiveness before he told someone about us.

I should care about all of those things.

And I should most definitely not, under any circumstance, let Dorian Darascu wrap his hand around my waist and lead me out of his office and into the club.

His touch was light and the music loud, but both pulsated through me like waves hitting the shore, taking me further and further in. Midnight had passed and it showed. The night took on a larger, more dangerous shape as the bodies swayed through the dancefloor; drunk on booze, and life, and desire. I watched them move in the thudding rhythm; bumping into each other, grabbing each other by the waist, and pulling each other in. Sia's Wild Ones remix blasted through the speakers, taking me back in time, when the song came out, when I was so fucking young.

The Club felt both claustrophobic and infinite, like there was no end to the crowd. Crimson lounges were filled with people; chatting, drinking, kissing. The round bar in the middle of the area was impossible to get close to, people pushing each other to order their drink. Skin and sweat and smoke all glittered under the red hues.

"Come on." Dorian's touch firmed on my waist, and he turned us to the right, where the lounges lined the walls. "You can have whatever you want."

My heart dropped to my gut, heavy and full of anticipation, fear, and desire. The booze I've already had in my system wasn't helping, and my mind felt more clouded by the second. My hips swayed in the rhythm as we walked to the lounges. I couldn't help myself. I was fifteen again; free and unburdened, chaotic and improper, in love with this place. In love with the music.

As Dorian led me to the lounges, I noticed Cherry sitting between two brunettes, chatting. She was so gorgeous; her blonde hair fell in healthy curls all over her naked shoulders, and the thin straps that held her skimpy red dress in place fell along with it. Her full lips spread into a grin when she saw me, which took me so much by surprise that I took a step back.

"Odette! Oh, my God." Cherry pushed herself off the lounge, almost hitting both brunettes straight in their faces.

An awkward laugh stumbled from my lips as the blonde threw herself around my neck. Well, damn, she smelled like cherries. I caught Dorian's gaze and scowled at the amused grin circling his face.

"I thought you'd never come here again!" Cherry shouted in my ear. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Okay, Cher, let her be." Dorian unwrapped her hands from my neck. "She wants something to drink."

"Oh, my God, of course!" Cherry's eyes widened, something drunk and hazy sparking inside. "Come with me, come, come."

Her tiny hand grabbed mine like she'd never let go, and her nails scratched my skin unintentionally, as she dragged me away from Dorian. Without a second thought, I took his arm and pulled him along. Cherry's happiness, as if contagious, tore down a barrier inside me, and adrenaline began flooding my body freely.

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