Prologue: A hero is born part 1

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In an unknown place outside of the city, in the ground was a moon shaped staff. The staff belonged to a mysterious person, but they were not just a person, they were a monkey just like the great sage equal to heaven, Sun Wukong, otherwise know as the monkey king.

Then, the staff began to glow as it pulled itself out of the ground. After a few moments, a feminine body emerged from the staff and landed softly on the ground on their two feet.

The staff then floated to the female monkey. The monkey grabbed it with one of her six hands and looked in the distance.

???: So, returned to the mortal plane but why?

Then she felt a familiar force from far away

???: looks like someone is trying to free the Demon bull king from his staff. I must go and investigate

She said as she transformed into a eagle and flew away ( I forgot to mention that she has also learned the 72 transformations from Monkey king)

In the city under a construction site, there was green lights and rubble coming from a small mountain where The Demon Bull king was rising from it.

In front of it was his family. A woman named Princess Iron fan and their son, Red Son we're watching him emerge from the ground.

Red Son: yes father! Rise Rise

The green fog disappeared to reveal the glowing eyes of the Demon Bull King.

The Demon Bull King snarled as he stepped forward making cracks on the ground. Over the years as he was trapped underground, One of horns broke off and his appearance changed.

DBK: Flesh and Bone, I have returned to the realm of living.

Princess Iron Fan went to greet her husband after a long time

PIF: Oh Demon Bull King! How I've missed you~

DBK: Princess Iron Fan, is it really you, after all these years?

PIF: Yes my love, it is me. We are finally together again after all these years

DBK: The years have truly been kind for you. How did free me?

Princess iron fan responded by stepping aside to show their son, who was holding the staff

Red Son: Hello father... I missed you

DBK looked at him in shock. He hadn't seen his son in years

DBK: My son, you have grown the last time I saw you. I have truly missed a lot.

Red Son: It is ok father, at least you are free now. And now that we have the staff to make its power my.... I mean, our power of course.

DBK:Excellent, my son

Red Son:Now together, We the Demon Bull Family will plunge the world to internal darkness

Red Son said as he raised the staff above his head

Then there was yelling from above. A boy the fell on Red Son and this boy was named Mk.

Mk was a boy with a bandanna, White shirt with a pigsy's Noodles logo on the back of the jacket, he also had red pants with white and black shoes.

Mk then looks up a to meet the glaring glowing eyes of the demon Bull family

Mk: Uh...Hello...? Anyone order some noodles?

Mk said nervously

Mk then got flinged as Red Son raged

Red Son: You ruined my moment! Stupid Noodle boy!!!

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