🌸Prologue: A hero is born Part 2🌸

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Mk's POV

I had woke up in a bright golden space. Confused, I tried to remember what happened before getting here.

"Where am I?! Ok think Mk! Remember what happened to you...Oh yea! I was trying to get the Monkey king's staff back to him before I got blown off by PIF *gasp* does this mean I'm...

"No you are not dead child"

I jumped up after hearing a voice, it sounded like a woman's voice.

"Um... Who are you and where am I"

"You do not need to know me yet, child but you are in the void just outside is Flower Fruit Mountain"

"Flower Fruit Mountain! That's where I'm supposed to be but why are you talking to me?"

"Because child, you are the only one who can stop DBK and his family from destroying everything, you are the only one who can stop them from achieving their destiny, you must go up the mountain and find The king and prince of Flower Fruit Mountain, they may not be able to help you stop them,but they will watch over you and give you advice"

"But I'm no match for DBK and his family"

"Yes you are my child, this is your moment to show them who is the hero, and for that to happen, is to have confidence and believe in yourself. Your friends believe in you, I believe in you. So it's time to show them the hero of this story.

I looked up to where the woman is and smiled

"Thanks for the advice! I really needed that"

"Your welcome, now run along and find The Monkey King and we will meet again someday"

The woman said then she and the golden white void disappeared as the space revealed Flower Fruit Mountain

"I wonder who that woman is, I mean I caught a glimpse of what she looked like, I could just ask Monkey King"

I said as I left the beach, not noticing the same Woman was looking down at him

Liu's POV

I saw the boy walking up the mountain after giving him confidence and sighed

"I will be home soon, my king"

I said but disappearing to the destroyed city and stood on stable building

"Let's just hope the boy can hurry before the whole city is destroyed"

I then hear the wind blow behind me knowing that was Princess Iron Fan

"Well,well, well look who finally came out of hiding, hm"

Princess Iron Fan appears from her wind tornado and glares at me

"It's been awhile my friend" "likewise"

We both said as we looked at each other for a moment and then we smiled at each other

"Where have you've been hiding these past few years? I have been worried so much for you"

"Unfortunate events happened and I got sealed away for centuries but I'm back for real this time"

We both hugged after the reunion

"The Celestial Realm knows of your sealing and they were upset"

"I know that is why I must head back after all this is over"

"But what about that idiot husband of yours hm? Are you not going to reunite with him?"

I thought about that for a moment and said

"There is a time and place where we will meet again but it is fate that pulls us apart and it makes me scared of how he will react to see me after centuries"

Princess Iron Fan looks at me with a somber expression and puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder

"Don't worry about the "What if's" or "Maybe's"
your husband was heartbroken when he found out that you had disappeared, he came to us so broken thinking you had died or something so now you have to reunite with him again"

I look at Princess Iron Fan and smiled

"Thank you for this Tieshan, and I hope we meet again and if you aren't taking over the city because I think your family needs a little help"

I hugged her and pointed to the defeated DBK, she laughs and lets go of me and asks something

"Hey if you have time after meeting Wukong, do you want to have a girls day like we used to?

"Of course, I will be honored"

Princess Iron Fan smiles and disappears to her family. I watch the family reunite and disappear in whirlwinds. I then smiled and looked down at the heroes of the city

"That boy has a lot of potential, I wonder what lies for him in the future"

I say as I summon my staff and teleport to the celestial realm


Mk's POV

After defeating DBK and his family, I went to celebrate with my friends until I felt someone watching me as I looked up and see the same figure with six arms looking down at me, with a face with pride?

I stared at them for a moment until the woman teleported away. I had wondered about the conversation I had with Monkey King and Macaque


Before I left the mountain, something hit me to where I remembered that woman who talked to me earlier

"Hey Monkey king, I have a question"

"Hm? What is it bud?"

"When landed her after losing the staff, a woman talked to me"

Monkey king and Macaque looked interested

"Who did you see Mk?" Macaque asked

"I wasn't able to see all the features of the woman, but she had six arms and a tail, I think she looked like a monkey like you guys"

Monkey king looked shocked and Macaque looked the other way like he knew something but I shook it off

"Bud... are you sure? Because the last monkey with six arms... disappeared centuries ago, maybe died too... are you sure you're not imagining things?"

"No im not, I saw with my very own eyes, and she also said that she will see me in the future"

Monkey king thought for a moment and said

"Me and Macaque will look through it but for now, go stop DBK and his Family"

"Ok thanks Monkey King and Macaque"

"No problem bud" "Good Luck Mk!"

Flashback end

I still want to know if mysterious monkey will come back to see me. Mei then called out to me, realizing that I was falling behind.

I ran to catch up with others and joined in on their laughs

I didn't even notice two monkeys on the mech behind me nodding their heads in approval and disappeared in the evening sky

Prologue:A hero is born...Complete


Hello everyone!

I was planning to post this yesterday but got distracted and a big storm hit my area last night so I will try to keep my usage a minimum until my power is back on

But next chapter is all about Liu going to the celestial realm, so all the main characters are not going to be in the plot for the next episode

But that's all that I have, stay safe out there everyone and have a good day/night everyone😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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The six-Armed Simian(Fem!oc x Sun Wukong) Lego Monkie kidWhere stories live. Discover now