🎃Halloween special🎃

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In Megapolis, There were spooky decorations on houses, kids and parents were in costumes walking around with buckets in their hands and filled with delicious candy

And yes, you guessed! It's Halloween night!

And now we focus on Monkie kid gang who are at "Pigsy's Noddles" getting ready for Trick-or-Treating

Mk:I'm so excited! Mom,Macaque and Monkey king are going to join us tonight!

Mei: I know right! I even invited Red Son to come with us!

The truth was whenever she said that, Mei actually kidnapped Red Son to join them, but surprisingly permission granted by his parents

Red Son: I only did this for mother and father but, YOU DID NOT HAVE TO DRAG ME OUT HERE!!!

His hair bursting into flames as Mei laughs

Mei:Chill out Red boy, and plus don't you want to see your boyfriend

Oh yeah I almost forgot, Red Son and Mk are dating. Red Son blushing whenever she said that and then, The three immortal monkeys come into the shop with costumes on

Liu:Good evening everyone!

Mk/Mei: Hi Mom/Mama Liu!

Mk and Mei run up to the six-armed immortal monkey and hugged her

Liu:Hello to you two and red son

Red Son:Hello Auntie

Monkey king:Hey bud! How's it going

Mk:Monkey king!!! I'm glad you are here you too Macaque

Macaque wanted to stay back at FFM but, he promised the gang that he'd show and he had Bai He(LBD hostess) with him, so of course

Macaque:I promised didn't I? Bai he come out and say to everyone, don't be shy

Bai He was shy and was just starting to get used to everyone

Bai He: H...Hello everyone

Mei:Bai he!!! You look so cute in your Halloween costume!!!

Bai he got a little scared and hid behind Liu, Liu patted the young girls head and looked at Mei

Liu:Mei! Don't shout too loud! You know Bai he gets scared easily

Mei:Sorry Mama Liu

Pigsy,Tang and Sandy walked in

Pigsy:Hello Liu

Liu:Hey guys

Tang:Ok now that we are all here, we can go have some fun!


Everyone then left the shop and went Trick-or-Treating

After collecting enough candy, They visited a haunted house.

Mk,Bai He and some of the other were screaming in fear at some of thing they saw, Macaque and Red Son were the only ones not screaming.

After spending sometime in the haunted house, Everyone decided to call it a night and went home.

Red Son and Mk spent the night together in the Bull Palace and Monkey king and Liu snuggled together on the couch watching Tv and relaxing, Macaque was in Bai he's room putting her to sleep.

Liu:This was the best night ever

Monkey king: I couldn't agree more

Macaque walked of Bai he's room, who is now asleep

Macaque:I'm calling it a night you two

Liu:(Yawning) that's a good idea, goodnight to you too Macaque

Macaque:Good night

Monkey king:Let's get to bed


And with that said the two went off to and their home became quiet once more.

Well that was the Halloween chapter my little butterflies. I'm also writing another one for the one-shot book, first chapter is still being edited and I'm working 3 stories at once and right now my allergies are starting to act up again so wish me luck on completing them

Bye my little butterflies🦋

The six-Armed Simian(Fem!oc x Sun Wukong) Lego Monkie kidWhere stories live. Discover now