Part 2 Settle In.

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The Addams welcome their daughter and (Y/N) into the house. It was bizarre for (Y/N) to say the least. The setting inside the house, the tone, the wall all fit the nature of the Addams family.

"Lurch, after you're done with Wednesday's belongings, prepare dinner immediately. It's the reunion of the family." The giant let's out a sigh before making his way upstairs.

"How I missed your presence here Wednesday. It's been like forever." Morticia says looking at her daughter who crossed her arms.

"Trust me. I wish it would be forever too. Not the place but the nauseating presence of you and father." (Y/N) looked back and forth between the mother and daughter.

"Oh. My Wednesday is grown up so fast. It was like yesterday when my little viper first spit out her venom." Gomez says wiping his eyes. (Y/N) walks closer to Wednesday, reaching down close to her ear and whisper.

"You really are something to be able to deal with this for over a decade and a half. And I meant that as a compliment Wendy. Really." Wednesday gives him a side glance.

"If you use that term in front of others, I will personally bury you in the backyard." The statement causes (Y/N) to pull back a little.

"Wednesday. Why don't you show (Y/N) to his room. I'm sure his hands is tired from carrying those stuffs around."

"Speaking of stuff, where is the nearest police station? I need to report on some that's left behind in Jericho."

"Don't bother yourself with the excessives young man. We got everything here. Explosives, butcher axe, all in good form." (Y/N) raised his eyebrow looking at Gomez before Wednesday motions him to follow her upstairs to his room.

"This will be your room for the summer." The room is plain, one bed, one table, one chair, and a closet. But the rest is dark in colours. One window with broken glass, with the view to the backyards filled with tombs and a large tree with no leaves.

"Who are those belongs to? Your ancestors or your victims?" Wednesday joined him at the window.

"A lot of other who's soul couldn't keep up. One of them is my pet scorpion Nero." (Y/N) looked at Wednesday who's word was filled with grieves.

"I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to bring it up." Wednesday turned towards the boy.

"Only if we're alone that you're allowed to call me other than my real name. It's that clear?" (Y/N) leaned in plant a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Yes love. I understand." (Y/N) wrapped his arms around the tiny waist pulling her closer to a warm hug. Surprisingly, Wednesday found it to be very satisfying as she returns it as well.

Two partners lost in each other's embrace for a moment before the girl pulled away first.

"You should start unpacking. Dinner is gonna be ready soon."

"Yes ma'am." After Wednesday left him, (Y/N) fumbled through his bags. After a while, he grabbed a picture frame from his bag. Sitting on the bed, his attention is fully focused on the picture.

It was a picture of him as a kid, his father Kenneth, and mother Laurel. The kid in the picture has the widest smile on his face with his father's hand over his shoulder. The mother on the other hand isn't as enthusiastic as the two.

"Something just wasn't meant to be. Like you and me." The door opened causing (Y/N) to quickly put the picture frame back into his bag. Turned around, he comes face to face with Pugsley Addams. The youngest Addams has come to greet him.

"Hey." The young boy gives him a weak smile to which (Y/N) returned his.

"Pugsley, right? What's up?" (Y/N) shifted his body facing the boy standing at his doorway.

"Just, checking I guess. Why are you here?" (Y/N) was dumbfounded for a moment.

"I thought she told you guys. I'm evicted. Wednesday said I could crash at your house for the summer."

"She did. It's just that, you're not afraid of what's it's like to, be around her at all? Let alone, us?"

"Not really. I find it weird that your parents actually allowed me to stay after the incident. They don't have any motives right?" Pugsley just shrugged.

"Usually anyone that have motives it's Wednesday. But she seems to be more than okay with you. Sorry I asks these questions. Just not getting used to having anyone beside family members around. The last time someone came here, they tried to redecorate the house but ran away because they got scared." (Y/N) raised his eyebrow.

"Maybe that's the thing. They tried to change your nature which, is a big no no. Imagine if Wednesday started to wear pink." The images comes to Pugsley's mind for a moment.

"That would be even worse than that time when she tried to kill Dalton with the piranhas." Both the boy chuckled for a moment.

"Seems like you two are bonding." The voice immediately cause Pugsley to jump some feet away. It was Wednesday who has come up behind him without a warning.

"Uh.... How much did you heard?" Pugsley asks his sister. His eyes is still wide open by the sudden appearance.

"I understand the piranhas weren't enough to kill Dalton in the pool. Maybe next time I'll resort to electrocution instead." Pugsley let's out a deep breath.

"It's the summer. Maybe you could find him somewhere at the beach. Though I don't even know who this Dalton is." Wednesday walks inside the room looking at the boy.

"We'll leaves that for other times. Mother said dinner is ready. Let's go." The three then make their way downstairs to the dining room.


Part 2 is here. Short and simple. ☺☺

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