Part 7 Princess Addams.

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The dinner was not how (Y/N) imagine it. He thought it would just be like simple dining with less distraction from the adults. But he was wrong. Pugsley is weakened to the state where he could hardly hold his fork.

"Pugs? You okay?" (Y/N) asks the boy who returns his question with a weak smile.

"Of course he is. Years ago, he could hardly stay awake after the session. Now, only his hands are crippled. I underestimated you Pugsley. You have grown tougher. And that's the point of the torture." Wednesday eyeing her brother with a slight hint of pride.

"Or abuse." She shifted her gaze towards the chef.

"Maybe you should join in. Who knows what kind of level you could achieve." (Y/N) scoffed before eating his food.

"For the record, I need my whole body, mind, and soul to be intact. Otherwise no one is gonna cook for you two." He replied.

"You think I can't cook? How about I chop off your arm and turn it into breakfast for tomorrow. Sounds thrilling right?" (Y/N) stopped eating, looked up to her. Silence filled the room for a moment before Pugsley said something.

"Actually, Wednesday did cook. The Gould's turkey my uncle Fester brought back two years ago. They taste like, dead fish." Wednesday looked at her brother with serious gazing. The statement cause (Y/N) to burst out a huge laughter.

"That's not cooking. That's burning. And here I thought you don't have any weakness. Does Enid know? Imagine how much her blog would blow up if she finds out." The laughing continues before Wednesday gives him a warning.

"Keep on laughing, cause it could the last laugh in your life."

"Flattery will get you somewhere."

After dinner, (Y/N) begins doing dishes, cleaning the dining table, and the additional work of checking in on Pugsley's injuries.

Wednesday changed into her night gown, lays on her bed still researching her phone and potential suspects of the stalker.

(Y/N) opened the door to her room and let himself in. Wednesday tilted her head looking at the young man standing in her room.

"Bold move. Big mistake. No one ever barged into my room without a knock. Not even my parents." (Y/N) intentionally frowned.

"Yeah. First time for everything. I wanna apologize for laughing at you during dinner. I just can't help myself." (Y/N) gives her a weak smile hoping for forgiveness.

"Yet you did. You're getting too comfortable, sooner you will realize that you're playing with fire." Wednesday crossed her arms staring at the boy who scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah. About that fire, it's reason I'm in this room now. She's not hot hot, but she's perfect for me." Wednesday blushed after hearing that. Relaxing herself, she motions for the boy to sit beside her on the bed which he gladly complied.

"I like what you done to your hair. It's a nice changed of pace." Wednesday has already undone her braids, letting her hair loose behind her neck.

"Only when I'm alone, not even Enid or my mother saw me like this." (Y/N) keeps checking her out causing her to look away from his gazes.


An award silence filled the room. (Y/N) shifted his body, laying beside Wednesday before pulling her head to rest against his shoulder. A warm feeling rose within the girl, who shifted closer to his neck.

"So, here we are. Don't need to worried about your parents sudden intrusion. And I doubt Pugsley is gonna came out his room after the torture session." (Y/N)'s arm slowly soothing the dark hair of his Wednesday.

"What are you suggesting?" She asks looking up to his eyes. (Y/N) slowly kiss her forehead before he continues.

"I'll admit. I'm a teenage boy with needs. But I will respect you and your privacy. I just want to stay like this for the night. If, that's okay with you I mean." Wednesday thought for a moment.

"I'm not gonna engage in that kind of behavior with you."


"Just, not yet."

(Y/N) couldn't see her face from this angle, but he can tell the colour of her face is symbolizing a tomato right now.

"So cuddle night then. I can deal with that. As long as Pugsley didn't try to wake us up with the horn again."

"Pugsley wouldn't dare to. Not if I'm around." Another silence before Wednesday started asking him.

"How do you feel about your mother?" The question certainly caught (Y/N) by surprise. Of all the people, she's the one that he's afraid to bring the issue up with.

"To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel. She's the only family I got, yet she's the reason I lost the family member that I love. If she pulled the trigger that night, maybe, just maybe, it would made a difference." Wednesday looked up to the boy, her serious gaze lock onto his eyes.

"I forbid you from ever wishing her to do that. Cause if it does happened, where do you think I would be right now? No more ifs (Y/N), or I'll lock you up at the dungeon for the rest of your life."

(Y/N) gives her a nervous nod followed by a soft kiss to her lips. Not passionate, but the desire is there. Wednesday returned her head to his shoulder afterwards relaxing herself.

"I love you princess."

"I know."

Both of them slowly drifted to Dreamland in each other's embrace.


Part 7 has arrived. 👸

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