Part 5 Confession And Announcement.

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Gomez brings the boy back to his room on Morticia's order. (Y/N) sits on his bed while Gomez looks down at the boy.

"Young man. You really are something. I have a feeling that you will fit perfectly during the summer." (Y/N) looked up to him with a smile.

"I kind of ask for it. Grabbing a lion's tail is a fool's errand. But I have fun though. It's not like you get to be this close to a lion let alone wrestle with it."

"Ah. The thrilled of being close to death. I still remember my first foolishness which almost cost me my life. The power of youth is amazing." Both the males chuckled before Morticia came inside the room with a bottle of pill and a glass of water.

"Here. Take this and rest. When lunch is ready, we'll inform you." (Y/N) took the pill and finished his drink. Silence filled the room.

"I'm sorry." (Y/N) speaks up.

"Don't worry about it dear. This is how our family usually interact with Wednesday."

"No. Not that. I'm sorry on my mother's behalf. She tried to kill Wednesday. Granted, she almost killed me twice before Mayor Walker and Principal Weems took it for me. I know I shouldn't dwell on the past, but still. It's fucked up." (Y/N) started showing some emotions much to the sorrow of the elder couples. Morticia walked towards the boy, sitting besides him.

"(Y/N). It's not your fault. If it's anyone, it's us. Remember when my husband was framed for the murder of Garrett, it's part of our responsibility for what occurred. You shouldn't blame yourself for it." Gomez steps closet, putting his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Being born into an outcast hating family, I ended up falling in love with one."

"We're the one that should apologize (Y/N). For you and your mother. Your family is gone because of us. If there's anything you ever need, don't hesitate. Just tell us." (Y/N) wiped his eye looking up at the two. A weak but genuine smile appeared on his face.

"I don't blame you guys. If any of that didn't happened, I wouldn't be here with Wednesday right now." The statement put a big smile on the Addams.

"Our ancestors are enemies. They cursed each other even in death. Now, both their descendants is here, found love within each other. Happy ending was never the Addams family tradition. But loves defy all." Gomez proudly claimed causing (Y/N) to let out a small laugh.

"That sounds like something you got from tv show. It's cringe as hell." Morticia place her hand on (Y/N)'s lap.

"We're looking forward to both of your future. And as a parent, it is my responsibility to help you two take the first step." (Y/N) furrowed his eyebrows looking at her.

"I don't get it." Morticia gets up from the bed ready to leave the room before turning to face him again.

"You'll see." Both the Addams leave (Y/N) by himself in the room who rest for some time.

Lunch was awkward for them. Even though the misunderstanding has cleared up, (Y/N) couldn't help himself to glance at Wednesday and her mother wondering if the silent treatment between them is a norm.

After lunch, Morticia gather everyone in the living room. Wednesday sitting in middle of the couch crossing her arms with a serious face. Pugsley and (Y/N) sit on her left and right respectively.

"I have an announcement. Me and your father will be away on a personal trip for a few days." Pugsley is confused by the sudden twist.

"Are you finally registering for your funeral?" Wednesday asks with her cold harsh tone. (Y/N) can't tell if she's being serious or just sarcastic.

"Unfortunately no. It's an undisclosed matter. Lurch, of course, will be accompanying us. In the meantime, I want to lay down a few house rules during our time away." She says that while locking eyes with her daughter.

"You can torture the boys. But only to a certain extent. Cook your own meal, do your own chores rather, than pushing it to someone else." (Y/N) shifting his gazes between Wednesday and Morticia. Everyone in the room knows the tension is over the roof.

"I feel like you underestimate me mother. Rules are for people who don't have self-control. It doesn't apply to me."

"Yes. I understand that much. But it's responsibility that's worried me." Wednesday twitched at the statement.

"You think I don't have any sense of responsibility? How naive can you take me for mother."

"Then prove it to me. By the time we return, if the house is still in one piece, then I will acknowledge your effort." The adults then left the three youngsters.

"Sound serious." (Y/N) says receiving a nervous nod from Pugsley. Wednesday gets up from her seat and return to her room leaving only two boys on the couch.

"To what extent of torture does your mother approved?"


Part 5 is here. ☺☺

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