Chapter Five

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Chapter Five,

Steve McGarrett POV

It had been another night of no sleep, all I could think about was Catherine. I kept coming up with these scenarios, that she had been captured and tortured until they killed her or that she had just wanted to go away for a while and then had accident. The ideas, they wouldn’t leave me alone. I finally drifted off at about four this morning and then when my alarm went off at six for my jog I just turned it off and rolled back over, not something I do very often. I knew my alarm would go back off at eight just in case I did decided to lay in, it meant that I would have enough time to sort Kailee. The alarm went off beside me, I rolled over and hit it knowing that I continued to hit it like that I would be buying myself a new one in a short while. I really couldn’t be bothered get up, all I could think about was Catherine when I needed to be concerned about Kailee. I knew that she knew there was something wrong and it wouldn’t be long until she started asking questions. There was no way that I could lie to her either, so it would be me telling her that the person I loved more than anything in the world had gone missing and that was taking up more of my time than she was. I shouldn’t have become a father. Knowing that I had to get Kailee ready for school and then get into work and continue the search for Catherine and then lock up any new psychopath on the streets. I swung my legs out of bed and let them hit the floor with a bang which jolted though me like shockwaves. I quickly jumped into he shower and got ready for the day. Before going downstairs I dived into Kailee’s room to get her up, however she there. Getting worried I searched the house for, with my hand constantly resting on the butt of my gun. I moved through the house and each room came up clear, when I came back into the dining room I noticed the sliding doors open slightly, moving to them and looking out I could see Kailee at the bottom of the garden. Walking down the beach I got to her and sat down next to her.

“What ya doin’ out here then?” I asked bring my knees up and resting my arms on them. She looked at me and I don’t think I had ever seen so much sadness.

“Why did you adopt me?” she asked, I could tell from the question and thought that she had put into it beforehand that It was something she had been thinking about for a while.

“the honest truth?” I asked waiting for her nod. “I don’t know why. That day in the park when you ran into me and I saw you, everything just seemed to come together. It was as if you the missing piece in my life and you were the only one who could fill it. I don’t know why I felt like that or –“ I had to think hard, I had to make sure I phrased this right otherwise it could send things seriously wrong. “why I adopted you” there was no other way I could say it.

“So you adopted me, just because” it was how she summed it up that made me smile, she didn’t quite get it and I think it would take until she had children of her own before she did.

“When you make it sound like that, you make it seem like the worst thing in the world. Kailee honey I don’t think you’ll understand fully until you have children of your own. Which is a very, very, very long time from now. Understand?” she looked at me with those ‘how stupid do I look’ eyes, but nodded anyway. “But know, that I would never change my mind. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I always want you to remember that. Okay?” she nodded and lent against my side, I lifted my arm up and hugged her tight.

“Who’s Catherine?” she asked. Once again the planet the stopped spinning and my chest tightened.

“Where did you hear that name?” I asked gently, I didn’t want her to think that the subject was off limits of that she was in trouble for asking.

“You kept saying it over and over again in the night, when you were asleep. I heard it when I passed your room” she said looking up at me.

“Catherine is a very old friend of mine who means a great deal to me; the other night something happened and I found out that she has gone missing,” I admitted. I knew there was no point in keeping the truth from her.

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