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Everything was chill, then the DJ had to go and put some fuckin' hip-hop on as if watching her dance to the John Mayer bullshit he was playin' before wasn't bad enough.

This is torture, and I'm only two hours in.

I can't deal with this shit a full weekend.

Josephine arches her back, swaying her hips to the music while her friends take turns stepping closer, trying to keep up with her.

They can't.

Swear the girl's hips were meant to roll.

Her long, silky blonde hair is teasing the skin of her slightly exposed stomach, eyes closed and arms in the air. She's lost in her own mind, but only for a few minutes before she opens them again.

For the tenth fucking time, her focus shifts to the asshole whose attention she's after.

Too bad for J, though, lover boy's not looking at her.

Nah, his eyes are glued on the girls playin beer pong, the ones who jump up and down in excitement, even when they miss. The ones who have yet to put their clothes back on when they've been out of the water for hours and the sun's been gone just as long.

I glance back over to Josephine.

Her shoulders fall half an inch, defeat snakin its way to her, but she quickly wipes it away.

A scoff leaves me, and I shake my head when the small group of girls take several steps left, trying real fuckin' hard to get in Andrew's line of sight. She thinks she's being chill about it, but she doesn't know I'm watching.

This shit's embarrassing to witness.

The DJ announces the last song of the night and doing the opposite of what a closer normally would, the dickhead chooses to hit it harder, and a song more upbeat than the last comes on. Everyone cheers.

Suddenly a mischievous gleam covers Josephine's face, one that has me sitting forward in my seat.

This is bound to be bad.

She drops a little lower, bends a little further and moves spades fucking faster, to the point where her girls have no choice but to step back and sway around, admiring as she does her thing.

When even the DJ's eyes fight for a sight of the blinding blonde in the middle, I push to my feet, and what do you fuckin' know, Josephine's head snaps my way in the same second.

She falters slightly

Her dance moves slowing a bit

Body shifting in my direction,

by accident I'd bet.

Heading towards her in unhurried steps.

The closer I get,

the more uneasy she grows,

and by the time I'm directly in front of her,

She has stopped moving completely.

"Hey," she says hesitantly, her hand coming up to brush the hair from her face. "I didn't know you were here."

I lick my lips, pulling my bottom one between my teeth a moment. "Course not, J. You've always had blurred vision."

She pulls back slightly, but doesn't ask what I mean.

She should.

"You said you weren't coming."

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