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The boardwalk is pretty fucking crowded, as expected on a three-day weekend, but for the most part, everyone who came for Kat's birthday is sticking together.

Right now, we're all in line for the trolley ride that takes you from one side of the coastline and drops you on the opposite end. Josephine ran ahead with the girls and is almost in the front, while I'm stuck several spaces back with a few guys from the team.

Of course, I'm not the only one with eyes on her.

Andrew snakes his way through our crowd, slithering right in line beside her.

She's talking with her friend Ava when he inserts himself in their conversation.

Her head snaps his way, and instantly she throws her head back, laughing at whatever lame ass joke he's spit.

"Now they look right together."

I don't bother to turn when Jackie's voice finds me. "Who invited you?"

"Does it matter?"

I scoff, moving forward as the next group of people are let on.

"So, is it true then?" she asks. "Did the princess see the toad?"

"Get the fuck out of here, Jackie."

"Oh, so much tension. It must not be what it seems," she guesses.

I turn my glare on her. "What the fuck do you want? Why you standing here right now? We're not together anymore. You couldn't keep your legs closed, remember?"

Jackie's gaze falls a minute but comes up stronger. "Don't judge me. You didn't even care."

My head pulls back. "What the fuck did you expect, me to grovel? Fucking please, Jackie. You know better than that." I lower my voice. "You didn't come at me when you found out I slept with Sandra, but now that you heard about me and J, here you are. Worried you'll never get another chance to slide down my dick like you've been able to in the past? Tell me, Jackie, if you didn't give a damn about the girls I've fucked since you, why you trippin' on little Josephine Langford?"

That pisses her off. "She's not just some girl, is she H?" she forces past clenched teeth.

"You're right, she's my girl, something you'll never be again."

That has her dark eyes hardening. "Look whose side she's by right now."

Despite myself, I do, finding her and Andrew now next in line to ride.

Irritation tightens my muscles, something not missed by Jackie, and a dark chuckle leaves her.

Josephine chooses this moment to cut her smile this way, spotting me standing a few rows back. Her brows knit the slightest bit, the tip of her lips straightening.

Jackie leans closer to my ear, and Josephine's eyes cut her way. "Seems none of us can resist a perfect white boy--"

My glare slices to Jackie and she stops short, swallowing hard on her words.

"Forget about her, H," Jackie backpedals, a desperate flare taking over as she takes a step in. "She'll never want you like you--"

"Hey." Josephine's peppy voice surprises us both, even more so when she slips in front of me, leaving Jackie at her back as if she didn't see her standing here at all.

She did.

Her big blue eyes stare into mine, unsure of what she can or can't do right now, but even though she doubts her place, her voice is strong. "It's our turn."

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