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"In closing, I want to wish you all the best wherever life takes you, and I hope when you look back on this place, five, ten, even twenty years from now," Josephine's slight blush at the time stamp she's giving me in her speech has my chest warming. "It's in remembrance of all the positive ways you changed or grew while you were here, and I hope you never let those memories, or the people who you made them with go." She subconsciously spins the promise ring I gave her as her eyes meet, hold, then slide past mine as she continues to connect with the rest of our class. "I know I won't," she says gently before the most beautiful smile crosses her face. "Congratulations to us, the Class of 2023!"

Everyone jumps, cheering loudly as they toss their graduation caps in the air, and I dart from my seat, meeting Josephine at the edge of the steps.

She holds up her white gown and jumps right into my arms.

I spin her around, both of us laughing as I set her on her feet.

"How's my valedictorian feel?"


She kisses me quickly before her friends rush for us screaming, and they hug each other, Felix only feet behind, his gown already off and tossed somewhere.

He steps in for a quick hug, turning to look at the girls. "Can't believe it's over, man."

"I know. If you'd have told me on the first day of senior year it would end like this, I might have punched you for it."

He laughs, looking back to the girls when their laughter hits us. "I can't believe Jo passed on Brown."

I nod.

I was against her decision at first, too, but she deserves to do what she wants, not what others think she should, and one thing she was clear about was not leaving California.

He moves his smile to me. "You ready for UCSD?"

I laugh lightly, my eyes glued to Josephine. "Oh, yeah. Thank fuck for coed dorms."

Felix laughs.

"Did I tell you her dad rented her a little spot down there, a little studio to work in?"

"You mentioned it, but I didn't know it all worked out."

I nod. "She's even got a few dozen students signed up and ready to go. She's gonna teach during my practice hours, so we can keep the rest of our time open for just us. She's taking a lighter load than she planned, but she decided she's in no hurry to be done and I like that."

"Thank fuck we're decent ball players, huh, and got to pick what school to go to, or our girls would be headed to colleges far the fuck away from us."

"Like either of us would go anywhere they wouldn't be."

I look to him and we both laugh.

He sighs, clamping a hand on my shoulder. "I'm happy for you, man, really."


Josephine slides back up, and I wrap my hand around her back. "You ask them to come stay next week yet?"

"Not yet."

She laughs, turning to Felix with a smile. "What do you think? You and Kathrine  don't leave until the end of summer, come discover new beaches with us!"

Felix shrugs, nodding. "I don't see why not. Let's talk about it later tonight, I gotta go find my parents, take pictures and shit before we meet you guys at Josephine's." Felix holds his hand out, clapping mine again and then walks away, pulling Kathrine  from the group of girls.

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