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"What up?" Felix drops beside me.

"'Sup." I cut him a quick glance, looking back to the girls.

They've just finished their appetizers and are now killing time before the meals are here by taking pictures at the end of the pier.

Kathrine  flings her hands all around, and the large group of girls break away, leaving her and her core group standing there. They huddle up for some shots of the four of them.

They take their time, going from big smiles to goofy ass faces and even unflattering poses. That's what I like about their little crew. They don't feel the need to be picture perfect or shoot for sexy all the time, they have a good ass time the way they want to.

Kathrine  whips around right then, shouting across the pier. "Come on, baby," she calls for Felix. "H, you too!"

Felix gets up with a grin, downing whatever he was drinking and makes his way to her, but I stay planted in my seat.

Felix growls, lifting Kathrine  off the ground and spinning her around before pausing so the girls can take their picture.

Seconds later, Andrew walks by me with our boy Thompson, another player on the team, both headed in their direction.

Kathrine  spots them coming, and smiles. "Yes! Boys come over here, get in on this!"

My eyes fly to Josephine, who of fucking course has hers on Andrew, but the same second I think it, they shift.

She stares at me with indecision, as if there's something at the tip of her tongue or the edge of her thought.

What to do, Little J?

Andrew tries to squeeze beside Josephine but Cassie shoves him over with a frown, looking this way.

Knew I liked that girl.

"Hero Fiennes Tiffin." She pops a hip out. "Get your never smiling ass over here and take a picture."

I move my gaze back to Josephine and she frowns slightly.

Come on, girl, you know what to do. All in, remember?

With a playful roll of those blue eyes, meant to hide her nerves, I'm sure, she calls me. "Come on, Hero, don't keep me waiting!"

And there it is, her accepting.

I push to my feet, eyes focused on her as I make my way over. I know the others are watching, not everyone was able to confirm the rumor throughout the day. I'm known to hook up, but I've never attached myself to anyone outside of Jackie, so people want to witness us together for themselves, and more than simply disappearing behind a closed door.

They will.

Instead of stepping beside Josephine and into the space left open for me, I slip behind her, loosely folding my arms around her shoulders.

Her hands automatically come up to grip my forearms, so I tip my chin a little to whisper, "Now you get it."

She shakes her head, but I'd bet money she's fighting a smile.

Kathrine  snags someone, starts explaining how she wants the picture to be taken, so Josephine capitalizes on the free second by tilting her head sideways, peeking at me.

She whispers, "There will be more people around tonight, and everyone here has already been staring."


"Last chance to back out." Her eyes narrow, challenging me as if she's assuming I might want to do just that.

Wrong, Pixie.

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