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I juke left only to slant right for a quick, short pass, and then Coach blows the whistle.

"Good, good. All right, blue squad off, white on," he calls, lifting his hands for me to pass him the ball.

Other than the O-line, the rest of the team steps off the field so second string can get a couple reps in.

I grab a water bottle, squirting some in my mouth before passing it to Felix.

He watches as his backup QB steps into the pocket. With a little pressure put on him, he releases too early, throwing an interception on his first drive.

Felix scoffs, looking my way as he hands the water back. "Better hope I don't get injured. This fool can't throw for shit. He's been playing scared ever since he got sacked against JOHO a few weeks ago."

"That's 'cause he's a bitch."

Felix grins, his eyes moving to the bleachers and mine follow. "Speaking of bitches."

Jackie sits there with her friends like she has the last several years just bullshitting until the last bus leaves.

"Josephine asked me why we broke up."

Felix frowns. "When?"

"Couple days ago."

"Fuck," he curses, a deep sigh leaving him as he moves to face me.

I lift my foot to the bench to tie my cleat. "What?"

"She knows."

My head snaps his way. "What do you mean?"

"Josephine. She knows why you and Jackie split."

"You tell her?"

He licks his lips, looking off.


"Nah, man. I didn't tell her," he says. "But I confirmed it when she asked."

"What the fuck, man?!"

"Not confirming would have been just as much confirmation at that point. She asked me point blank. What was I supposed to say?"

"No. You say no, asshole, or better, tell her to talk to me, and I'll tell her no."

"I tried that. She asked me a while ago, and I told her to ask you. What's it matter anyway? It's not like she wouldn't eventually find out, right?"

"I wasn't ready for her to know yet." I frown. "This is why she's been quieter than normal."

Felix eyes me. "Why didn't you want her to know?"

"Why you playin' dumb?" I ask him.

"I'm not, but don't you think you're running with this a little too hard? I heard you kissed her in class this week, and I saw you kiss her Monday night."

"And you care why?" I glare. "I was on her, and? She fucking let me. Baited me the same, if you really wanna fuckin' know. She's been single a long ass time, Felix. She likes this."

"Likes pretending?"

I study him. "Likes the playfulness, the attention, the lack of pressure. I'm telling you, you think she's this schoolgirl who likes studying but lightly parties with her friends. She is, but she's not. She's bored."

"You hardly know her, Hero."

"You think you do?" I turn toward him. "'Cause your ma and hers are friends? That don't mean shit."

He looks ready to say something but thinks better of it and looks away. "No, you're right. I don't."

I sigh, putting my helmet back on and strapping it up. "Look, shit's twisted right now, so I'm not trying to complicate it even more. And I know the girl better than you think."

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