Heartbreak Once Again?

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Anisha wrapped the shawl tighter around her frame as she stood on the balcony, facing the backyard of the Sharma house, that was attached to the room she had been provided with. It was evening and she had this sudden urge to go witness the sunset and memorize the beautiful hues adorning the sky at the moment. 

She closed her eyes and a smile graced her lips as she felt cold wind flow past her face, chilling it. Her nose must have turned red by then, she was sure, but she could not care less, for she was feeling ecstatic. The moments from the recent happenings played repeatedly in her mind and she could not help but giggle like a teenage girl who had just happened to grab the attention of her crush.

She was in love. Again. With the same man who had offered nothing but heartbreak to her. Did she blame him for that? Of course not. She was never the jealous or revengeful kind. It was hard, for her sixteen year old self, to be the witness of the endearments he used to call his girlfriend with back then yet she never harbored any hate for the said boy or girl, for she knew that his happiness was with her. It would have been against her beliefs had she started disliking them, for you always give in for the happiness of your loved ones.

Loving him was her decision and not loving her was his, and she had accepted this fact long ago with a crying heart yet a smiling face. But she could not help but let a seedling of hope sprout in her heart, that maybe, or even might be, will work, for that matter, this time, he reciprocates the longing of her heart. She knew the probability of him finding a liking towards her so soon, yet, heart never worked on probabilities, it always worked on possibilities. 

"You feeling better now?" He had asked as he screwed the cap back on the water bottle. She had nodded while wiping her face with the back of her hand. Her soft sobs had quietened and she had let the cool water slide down her face taking away the last of the remnants  of tears, wiping away the evidence that she had been crying a few minutes ago.

Her eyes met his, as they sat on the opposite ends of the mattress, and she could not look away. It had always been like this for her. His almond brown orbs had the power of holding all of her attention to him and she had never felt this happy. Blinking out of stupor, she had whispered a small, almost inaudible thank you, and he had smiled lightly.

She could not help but get confused as his eyes brightened up suddenly and he had left the room asking her to wait for a minute. She had seen him coming back with one of his hands in his pocket. She had raised her eyebrows, as if asking him about it. He had replied with a long blink, as if asking her to be patient.

He had extended his free hand and she had gotten up keeping her palm in his. She could not help herself, yet again, as she stared at her hand in his, feeling fuzzy.

"Actually, this," he brought his hand out from the pocket to show her the golden bangle. He could have not been able to return it last night. 

He brought his open palm forward for her to take it, but before she could, he very quickly fisted his hand and moved back, a mischievous grin not leaving his face. Uninterestedly, she had once again aimed for his hand only to be met with the same fate. She looked at him with widened eyes, as if accusing him and he just shrugged, chuckling. A smile broke on her lips too, as she tried grabbing his hand once again, failing at it. Giggling, she followed him across the room, but he was quicker than she had expected. 

Stepping barefoot on her mattress, she waited for him to pause somewhere, and when he did, she was quick to catch hold of his hand. Alas, he was stronger. Hence, he had very easily, removed both of her hands from his fist and then raised his arm as far as he could so that her short stature would not be able to reach it, even after standing on her tip toes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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