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Italics: Néara's (our mc) thoughts


The girl felt something or someone shift in the corner of her eyes.

"Néara, you finally woke up!" said a concerned girl's voice and the thing was so unexpected that our poor mc jumped and shrieked in fright.

"Who the hell are you!? How long have you been there? And why are you in that dark corner that gives you a sinister and dodgy look? "

The other female came out of the completely dark space where she was sitting, which was very strange as it was full day and they were in a marūi that was equipped with many open spaces from which the light penetrated; but our protagonist didn't have time to reflect on this because she was shocked by the identity of who was in front of her: the cutest cinnamon roll of all, Tsireya.

The worry stand out even more on the young metkayina's face.

"Néara, you really don't remember me? The blow must have been stronger than expected. I'll call my mother to have you checked-"


Tsireya froze for her sudden cry.

The other girl coughed and tried to dissuade Tsireya from calling her mother, mentally cursing herself for her overreaction.

She feared that the Tsahík might understand, through some mystical method, that her soul did not belong to this world, possibly leading to tragic consequences.

"I mean, you don't need to call the Tsahík, I'm fine. I just need you to refresh my memory a little because you know, due to the strong blow my memories are very fuzzy, but that's more than normal in these situations...

So, can you help me?” the girl tried to explain, putting a smile on her face which however was more of a grimace.

'Damn, couldn't I come up with something more believable and less suspicious? Fell for it, fell for it, fell for it. PLEASE FELL FOR IT.' chanted in her mind our poor protagonist.

"Oh, uhm okayyy...What should I tell you?" replied uncertain the metkayina cinnamon roll.

'Maybe all? ' thought the other female but she certainly couldn't answer like that, so she said instead:

"Well, could you tell me how I got hurt? In detail, please."

Tsireya's expression suddenly became sad and full of sympathy.

'Why do I have a bad feeling?' sweat dropped our poor mc.

"Well, you were bringing Ao'nung snacks that you prepared for him with your own hands..." Tsireya began to slowly explain.

'Oh, so the original owner had a crush on him! Interesting. She was too nice for that dumbass!'

"He was in the middle of a match... "

'Ouch, I don't think it turned out well'

"He stopped the game for you"

'Aww, so nicee! He's better than I had imagined'

"He approached to take your gift, thanking you in front of everyone for your gesture. You were so happy..."

'Maybe too nice. Why do I have a bad feeling about this again?'

"And then he spit it and he threw it to the fishes, saying it sucked; then he hit the nearby tree with his tail, knocking a coconut on your head."

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