Chapter 11-20

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Chapter 11

"Xiaxia, the flight to Baixiong Country, as early as three days later."
Song Nuanxia had no objection. He nodded and asked Lu Zhan to buy the ticket. Looking at the blue sea and blue sky of Kangaroo Country, Song Nuanxia decided that she wanted to wave!
Hey hey, the sea, I'm coming. Surfing, I'm coming. Diving, I'm coming. Coral, I'm coming.
Song Nuanxia found a blue-eyed handsome man with long legs and hugged herself to experience flying on the sea.
Lu Zhan was not far away, and his eyes were red with jealousy. The nails were pinched into the palm of the hand, and I couldn't wait to chop off the salty pig's hand of the handsome blue-eyed man.
Song Nuanxia had a good time. In the past, when I went to the seaside, I only played with sand and seawater, but I had never experienced such an exciting project.
When she came down, Lu Zhan pulled over and wrapped Song Nuanxia tightly in the teased, showing off and provocative eyes of the blue-eyed handsome man.
"Hey, what are you doing!" Song Nuanxia looked at the bath towel on her body puzzledly, thinking that she was dressed conservatively, not a bikini.
Lu Zhan didn't care, thinking that the dog man would hug your waist. The little waist essence is not for nothing. Song Nuanxia's waist is soft and thin, and her skin is slippery. It's really cheap for that big pig's hoof.
In order not to let her pull off the cover of her body, Lu Zhan hurriedly diverted her attention: "Let's go, I'll take you diving."
Song Nuanxia subconsciously went to find the blue-eyed handsome man, but was viciously stopped by Lu Zhan: "Xia Xia!"
"Well, what's the matter?"
"I can dive!"
"Oh, oh, let's go!" Song Nuanxia is a little pity. She thinks that the handsome guy will never see him again!
I changed my wetsuit and slowly dived under the guidance of Lu Zhan. I haven't touched it before, and the huge water pressure makes her a little uncomfortable. However, it can still be overcome.
No matter what, Song Nuanxia is an ordinary person. 4 meters is her limit. No matter how deep it is, her ears will hurt.
She didn't force herself. After going ashore, she played with sand by the sea. Lu Zhan was a little itching. He told Song Nuanxia not to run around and dive to see the corals.
However, he came out soon. Then he said seriously, "Xia Xia, something is wrong."
"What's the matter?" Song Nuanxia asked eagerly.
Lu Zhan glanced around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he lowered his voice and said, "The corals are all white, and the sea temperature is high."
Song Nuanxia's heart was heavy, but she didn't care: "It's okay, it's just aerosis!"
In fact, he laughed very far-fetched. Anyone who reads it knows that she is in a bad mood.
Lu Zhan raised his hand and rubbed the little girl's long hair: "Yes, it's none of our business. Let's go and stock up."
Song Nuanxia looked at Lu Zhan in surprise and thought, what else could she hoard? As a result, Lu Zhan really surprised her. He hoarded 100 sets of wetsuits and tens of thousands of bottles of oxygen.
It's not enough to have ready-made ones. Lu Zhan also hoarded several oxygen generators.
Song Nuanxia was full of doubts: "Is it necessary? There was no lack of oxygen in my previous life!"
Even if the plants of the end of the world die, there is no lack of oxygen in the previous life. I feel that he is making a fuss.
Lu Zhan didn't think so. He had a lot of experience and was used to being prepared.
"Well, what else is there to hoard? Think about it quickly. Let's try our best to search while there is still time."
Song Nuanxia felt that she had hoarded enough. As soon as she wanted to shake her head, she saw a mosquito parked on her arm.
She patted the mosquito to death and said coldly, "Insecticide, mosquito incense."
Lu Zhan nodded and contacted the wholesaler. After hoarding a full warehouse, I finally relaxed a little.
Then I went to the mall to buy jewelry. Song Nuanxia picked what she liked and hoarded a lot.
Most of them are gold jewelry, and occasionally they hoard diamonds.
Song Nuanxia wrapped all the gold in the cupboard and directly stunned the waiter. She is arrogant like a peacock, making people hurry up.
It is said that Song Nuanxia was later in the newspaper. It is said that the rich woman in China is rich and arrogant, and she is crazy about 1 billion gold jewelry.
In fact, the newspaper is exaggerated. There are several shopping malls, how can there be 4,000 catties of gold. However, there are still 100 million.
As for why we don't hoard gold bricks, the reason is very simple.
May I ask, is it safe to take a gold ring or a gold brick when you go out to change things?
Besides, does the other party have a piece of gold brick material? Even if there is, you can exchange gold bricks once or twice, and you can exchange gold bricks ten times and eight times? Aren't you afraid of being targeted?
But the jewelry is different. Young people, who doesn't have a few gold jewelry. Take the ring today, take the bracelet tomorrow, and Jindoudou the day after tomorrow.
Song Nuanxia imagined a better life in the future and couldn't help laughing.
Lu Zhan asked curiously, "What are you thinking about? Are you laughing so rippled?"
Song Nuanxia rolled her eyes and said, "I want to hoard so many materials. No matter where I am reincarnated in the next life, I can enjoy happiness, hee hee."
Lu Zhan's heart ached again. He could feel that Song Nuanxia's happiness was very superficial. In fact, she was cold-hearted.
Soon three days later, the two of them got on a plane and flew to Baixiong Country.
At this time, the elite troops sent by the State of China have been distributed all over the world.
Song Nuanxia finished in time and successfully avoided her exposure.
One day, when I arrived at Lake Garrh, I looked at the clear lake and couldn't help exclaiming, "It's so beautiful here!"
Unfortunately, in a month, the whole world will be ruined. Such beautiful scenery will no longer exist.
Song Nuanxia asked Lu Zhan to take a picture of her. The angle was very good, which completely highlighted her long legs.
No need to modify, just send it to WeChat Moments. It's an excuse for his disappearance during this period.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, there were a lot of likes and comments. Most of them are: "Xiaxia, where is this? It's super beautiful!"
Song Nuanxia replied: "Lake Garu!"
"Wow, have you traveled abroad? No wonder I can't get in touch during this period!" ωω
Song Nuanxia didn't say more and put the mobile phone into the space.
I rented a small boat on the lake and rowed to a rare place. Reach into the lake and earn a lot of water from the lake.
Song Nuanxia calculated that the water for hoarding a football field (100 meters high) is about 700,000 tons.
The water consumption in a person's life is about 2,500 tons. Therefore, as long as she hoards enough water from the football field, she can nourish her life. And let her take it to the afterlife without worrying about natural disasters at all.
Moreover, the water quality of Lake Gard is very good, and it is said that it has reached the standard of direct drinking.
The moment it entered the space, the plankton inside died in an instant. Song Nuanxia's consciousness moved and pulled these "miscellaneous objects" aside. After collecting the lake water to release space, it was also a primary filter.
In addition, there are some fish and shrimp. Song Nuanxia did not hoard freshwater fish. This time, she hoarded a wave. Although it's not much, it's enough to eat. Anyway, there are dozens of tons of seafood in the space.
The water in the space was fast, but she hoarded it for three days and nights, and her hands were wrinkled. If it hadn't been for the firm will, I'm afraid I would have given up.
She hoarded a lot, and there were also a lot of reserves in Lake Kogall. 700,000 tons of water are collected into the space, as if nothing has happened.
I didn't stay long. I bought a plane ticket and went back to China. Lying on the big bed of the villa, Song Nuanxia sighed contentedly: "It's so cool!"

After stocking up on supplies, the end of the world is comingWhere stories live. Discover now