Chapter 81-90

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Chapter 81

No no no, it's acid rain!
Song Nuanxia smelled a pungent sour smell, and couldn't help showing a frightened expression!
There were screams outside the window one after another, but fortunately the pH of the acid rain was not too low, so they rushed home despite the stinging pain.
There is no extra water to wash and dilute them, one by one, suffering from inhuman torture.
"Ah, help, my hair is burned off. Does anyone have baking soda?"
Lu Zhan opened the communication group, heard such a voice, and didn't pay attention to who sent it. He raised his head and asked Song Nuanxia: "We are in the beautiful country, do we accept such things?"
"Yes!" Song Nuanxia was sure, there was a pile of sodium bicarbonate in the space. It is said that it cannot be sold, and it is given to her to be taken advantage of.
At that time, I didn't think much about it. At worst, I used it to steam the buns, so I didn't expose it. Now it seems that it is quite useful.
Song Nuanxia brought out about ten catties and asked Lu Zhan to call Chen Shu.
She can donate things, but the other party can't ask where they came from.
Lu Zhan nodded, indicating that he would take care of it. Not long after the call was made, Chen Shu picked it up. It's just that the tone is full of anxiety and helplessness.
"Captain Chen, there is some baking soda at home, do you need it?"
Chen Shu was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic: "Yes, of course! Oh, hey, you have helped me a lot. Wait a moment, send someone to get it right away!"
After speaking, I called a little soldier and told him to take protective measures, and went to 8301 to pick up things.
Although there was acid rain outside, it wasn't sulfuric acid after all. Wear a raincoat, and use a piece of wood or steel to move short distances.
It's just that the respiratory tract is a bit unbearable. When the little soldier stepped into the small courtyard, he coughed and coughed non-stop.
Song Nuanxia hurriedly brought him a pack of masks, don't care if it's useful or not, just put it on first.
The little soldier was a little moved, but still declined. Song Nuanxia didn't listen at all, and directly asked Lu Zhan to do it. Then take out the well-packaged baking soda and ask the other party to take it back.
The little soldier glanced at it, hey, it weighed more than ten catties! Maybe it was explained by Chen Shu, and he didn't ask where it came from.
Song Nuanxia looked at the closed courtyard door and asked Lu Zhan, "How did you tell Chen Shu?"
Lu Zhan chuckled: "I told him that there is quicklime at home."
"What is the relationship between quicklime and baking soda?" Song Nuanxia was full of doubts: "There can be some chemical reactions!"
Lu Zhan raised his hand and scratched her nose: "No, just to remind him that the world has changed, and it's not unusual to have anything at home!"
"Oh, as long as you are happy!" Song Nuanxia nodded and went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. Life continues, it depends on whether the windows, walls, and roof of your home can hold it.
Song Nuanxia was very leisurely, but everyone in the communication group was shivering, thinking that it would be better if it didn't rain.
Damn, acid rain is still so acidic. I haven't seen it before, I don't know if my roof will leak!
[Boss Li 8101: Rest assured, as long as I decorate it, the roof will not leak. Hold on, hold on, stay calm! 】
A group of people expressed their gratitude.
[Meng Jingwei 11202: Thank you Boss Li for lending a helping hand, otherwise, I don't know what to do! Back then, my house didn't even have windows. 】
[Dahai, Dahai: Well, although Lao Li is expensive, the work is still very beautiful. The quality of Shangjiahaoting is one of the best in Jiangcheng. If this side falls, then Jiangcheng will be almost the same. Don't worry, everyone, let's tide over the difficulties together. 】
[Zhao Wanwan 2201: If you got caught in the rain just now, you can wash it off with soapy water. Soap is slightly alkaline and neutralizes the acidity in rainwater. 】
[Qin Dashan 6501: What should I do if there is no clean water, should I just apply soap? 】
[Xiaoxiao7402: Otherwise, wait for the skin to be corroded? By the way, Brother Dashan, are the hairs on your head okay? 】
[Qin Dashan 6501: I'll fuck you, which pot won't open and which pot will be lifted, killing people! 】
[Chengcheng 2102: What I am most worried about now is, can our solar panels hold up? Water it for a while, it won't be completely scrapped! 】
There was silence in the group.
[Boss Li 8101: Don't think about that, the big deal is that you won't need electricity in the future. The most important thing now is to let yourself die, understand? 】
[Chengcheng 2102: Er...understand! 】
So, while there is still electricity, prepare a few more charging treasures. Is that what you mean?
Song Nuanxia finished peeping at the screen and opened Langbo. It was found that not only Jiangcheng, but also a large area of ​​Longguo was raining. Just different degrees of acidity.
The most serious is the northeast, which is the closest to the country of cherry blossoms, and bears the brunt of it.
Then it spreads south and west, and the acidity gradually weakens. When we arrived in Jiangcheng, the pH value was only 4.7.
But even if it is only 4.7, the impact is great.
Rivers and lakes... well, there is no water, let's not mention it for now. It can acidify the soil, reduce the yield of crops, and the harm will last for a long time.
The originally riddled forest is even more dilapidated, and the city buildings are in danger due to chemical reactions with acidic substances. The living environment of human beings has been squeezed again.
Song Nuanxia didn't know what words to use to express her mood. She walked slowly to the balcony on the third floor, poured a pot of tea, placed a plate of dried fruit, and a plate of refreshments, drinking tea with Lu Zhan and listening to the rain.
The rain outside the window is getting heavier, but there is not much water on the ground. There is no way, the high temperature and drought some time ago, the ground is seriously short of water. This is "Ganlin", you can't absorb it vigorously, people don't care if you are sour or alkaline!
Slowly, mist formed outside the window, and Song Nuanxia found that she couldn't see the buildings in front of her clearly.
Just like when the mutated tick eggs flooded in, only this time they were replaced with white ones.
Song Nuanxia always had a bad premonition, but she didn't notice anything except acid rain.
If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, and bury your head in peeling pecans.
This thing is delicious, but it is always troublesome to peel it off. Song Nuanxia took out a small hammer and tweezers, and with all her strength, it took a long time to peel off five.
After eating happily, I feel my throat is burning. I hurriedly drank a cup of hot tea, but found that it was a bit chilly. For some unknown reason, I took out a thermometer and tested it, and there was no fever!
That is......
Song Nuanxia's eyes widened, and she quickly took out the kerosene thermometer. The thermometer still stayed at the last measured 46°C, and the moment it came into contact with the air, it dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally stayed at 38°C.
It stands to reason that this is also high temperature. But being tortured by 40+ for a long time, Song Nuanxia feels like entering an air-conditioned room, refreshing!
However, the matter was not over yet, the kerosene column stayed at 38°C for a few seconds, and then began to drop again. It's just that the speed is much slower this time, and if you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.
But time flies, and if we continue at this speed, we still don't know where it will fall.
Coupled with the matter of Liuguangguo, Song Nuanxia panicked: "Lu Zhan, tell me, it's going to be extremely cold, right?"

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