Chapter 101-110

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Chapter 101

"It stands to reason that the urban area of ​​Jiangcheng should have sensed such a magnitude. But the strange thing is that if it weren't for the machine detection, we would not have found any traces of the earthquake at all.
Now the fog is thick and the satellites can't see the situation over there, so there's nothing to do but send the advance troops over to see how it's going to be developed..."
The expert spoke eloquently for more than half an hour before temporarily stopping under the amazed eyes of everyone. Song Nuanxia was dumbfounded when she heard this, thinking that the power of the state machine was really beyond the reach of ordinary people like him.
In other words, if she hadn't joined the official expedition team, she would have stayed away from this kind of place, how could she dare to have any intentions to develop it, or the country's father is bold!
Song Nuanxia rubbed her nose and stopped thinking about those messy things. After the meeting was over, he took Lu Zhan to find a bedroom to rest, and did not discuss the fantasies that the experts just said.
Lu Zhan likes the little girl very much, she should be aggressive, she should be doggy, and she should not cry.
Kiss Song Nuanxia's forehead, close her eyes and fall asleep quickly.
Time passed by, and it was three days later.
The direction of the official expedition team was different from that of Lu Zhan and the others. They were rushing towards the established goal, and they kept their eyes on all kinds of bacteria along the way. Only some Ganoderma lucidum was picked.
Seeing this operation, Boss Li's heart ached and his teeth ached.
Even Song Nuanxia felt it was a waste and clenched her fists tightly. It's a pity that my ability is limited, and I dare not take things from the air in front of everyone.
In this way, finally on the fourth day, they arrived at their destination.
As for how Song Nuanxia knew that this was a place with an abnormal magnetic field, it was entirely because the mobile phone could not be used here and there was no signal.
The expert took out the compass to record the data, but the magnetic needle turned and turned, making people dizzy.
The viewing distance is limited, and the electronic equipment is lying down. The problem is obvious.
"Everyone be careful, rest where you are. Captain Chen, Captain Qin, Captain Li, Captain Chu, lead people to investigate separately."
Chen Shu and the other three captains said "yes" and led the team to disperse.
In addition to excitement, the rest of the people were also apprehensive and nervous. No fear of entanglement at all.
Song Nuanxia observed around, secretly raising her vigilance. He held Lu Zhan in one hand and a dagger in the other.
Fortunately, everything was safe, except for a certain team leader who went out to investigate the situation, and let out an extremely miserable howl, which frightened her so much that her legs went limp.
"What's the matter, Captain Chu?" Zhao Guizhi, the person in charge of the task, subconsciously ran towards the voice, and the others quickly followed.
Lest I'm not fast enough.
Fortunately, it was a false alarm. After running out for a few minutes, a signal that everything was normal was sent out, which made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.
Zhao Guizhi ordered the people to rest where they were, and he brought a dozen guards to support him.
Half an hour later, the group returned.
Because of the fog, Song Nuanxia couldn't see clearly. It wasn't until Captain Chu came close that he realized that his body was covered in dust, and his elbows and knees were torn. Although the other little soldiers were not so embarrassed, their expressions were not relaxed.
After careful questioning, I found out that there is a crack in the east, hidden in the thick fog and difficult to detect. Captain Chu took the initiative to take the lead for the safety of the team members. As a result, he stepped on the ground and almost fell into the abyss.

Still well-trained, he immediately drew out the dagger at his waist and stabbed it into the mountain wall to slow down. After falling more than ten meters, he found an opportunity to stabilize his figure, but at that time his elbows and knees were already bloody.
The dense fog in the mountains makes it easy to lose track of the opponent. If it wasn't for a fixed way of moving, even if Captain Chu fell to pieces, no one else would be able to find his location.
Fortunately, the team members responded properly, and immediately confirmed Captain Chu's situation, and then the security personnel went to rescue.
When the rescue rope was successfully wrapped around Captain Chu's waist, the team sent a signal to the command center that the crisis had been resolved. It was Zhao Guizhi who was worried, so he brought someone over to check the situation.
"There are people left there to check the depth of the ground fissure and other conditions."
Everyone nodded to show their understanding.
After that, he waited for the doctor to treat Captain Chu's wound.
"Fortunately, Captain Chu reacted quickly. They are all skin trauma." The doctor wrapped the gauze and heaved a sigh of relief: "It's just that the contusion is more serious, and it will take two days to recover."
"It's fine if it's not life-threatening." Zhao Guizhi heaved a sigh of relief, and arranged for someone to count the Ganoderma lucidum found on the road, and take one: "Under special circumstances, I made soup to make up for Captain Chu."
Everyone has no objection, after all, a generous leader is more secure in life than a stingy leader.
Time passed, and the teams searching in the other three directions came back one after another.
The information was assembled and it was confirmed that the crack was the result of the earthquake and the cause of the magnetic field disturbance.
Zhao Guizhi took a look at the sky, and decided to take a short rest before exploring the bottom of the crack. According to previous experience, there is a high probability of heaven, material and earth treasures appearing here.
They sent someone to dig a hole, built a fire, boiled water in a pot, and put the ganoderma lucidum after the water boiled. Boil for a few minutes and drink.
The first bowl was given to Captain Chu, and the rest was given to the little soldiers who had just explored the way. If other people want to drink, they can exchange the water in their backpacks. Now that the fog is thick, the supply trucks can't keep up. These are all I have on my body, so I have to save some food and drink.
Song Nuanxia didn't change, but many people stepped forward. Ganoderma lucidum water tastes good and has a strong effect. Drinking a glass of it will refresh you, but the more you boil it, the taste will become weaker.
In the end, the ganoderma was not wasted, let Captain Chu chew and swallow. I don't know if it's a psychological effect, Captain Chu felt that the injuries on his body didn't hurt so much.
The group packed their luggage and continued on the road, and soon arrived at the place where Captain Chu had an accident. Everyone raised their vigilance and looked for the entrance along the crack, only to find that the ground crack was deep and long, and there was no end to it.
Zhao Guizhi was not in a hurry, and patiently recorded the situation. The experts were not idle either, taking pictures and measuring. It's a pity that most electronic products cannot be used, and only a few are still strong.
After a long time, Zhao Guizhi found a slope with a slope of about 60 degrees, which can be called steep. But anyway, it's better than vertical ninety degrees.
Look at the sky, it's getting late. There are no villages nearby, so they can only camp in place. The expedition team brought several tents, which were quickly erected.
Due to limited supplies and a large number of people, men and women were not bothered, so they arranged to come in and take a temporary rest.
Song Nuanxia found a corner and put the backpack under her buttocks to rest. Like her, Lu Zhan took out a pack of compressed biscuits and gnawed them on the ground.
Others were not so delicate, and collapsed to the ground. It was cold on the ground, but no one cared. After a simple dinner, they rested.
At night, it was very cool and quiet, and the sound of caressing in the grass was very clear...

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