Chapter 5: Kiara

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It's been the worse week ever. On my first day this random guys hids on me and another one makes my food spill all over me. Training has been tiresome, but I'll get use to it. I've learned how to shot a gun and throw a grenade. No I just can't wait to go to combat especially if it's close to where my dad last was. Today I was excited though, we were having a battle today. Girl against boy. Where a girl would get to hit, punch, and kick a guy until the gave up. I was so going to win. I ate my breakfast next to Maddie.

Maddie was the girl who ened up being my closest friend. She admitted she signed up because she hated her school and would never make it to college and I said that I had just hated where my future was going. Maddie and I had a lot of time to talk because we were seated next to each other on the plane ride to base. It was nice meeting someone who did not judge me right on the spot for my actions. I did mention to her that I hurt some people in my life. She seemed to not care.

"So I take you are probably going to fight today?" Since she knew I got into fights before she had every right to ask that.

"Yeah, I think it will be fun, I especially wanna go against the guy that tried t flirt with me on the first day and the one that spilled his food on me." I noticed a nosy girl head shot my direction.

"It's best to stay out of those fights, not lady like." There have been girls all around this camp saying me spitting, sweating, and stuffing my face with food was not lady like. I thought we were here to do things like that, don't get me wrong I have manner and I act like a girl, but I do not listen to what people tell me to do.

"I do whatever the hell I want." Her eyes widened in fear. She opened her mouth, but I beat her to it. "Ladies do not curse, well I do." I seemed to stun almost every girl here. She redirected her attension to other girls and left me at peace.

"Why are you so harsh sometimes?" The girl I snapped at didn't deserve it, I just saw most people like the boys at home or my mother. My mother could go to hell for all I cared, she cheated on my dad.

"Cause I don't like being bothered." I stated seriously. I was already called Mrs.Angermanagement which I didn't need.

"I don't understand, but whatever. So who else you wanna beat up?" I smriked, the list could go on forever.

"We'll just see who wants to fight me." Maddie smirked and I knew she was excited as I was. We finished eating and headed towards the training area, the fights were about to start soon. The General was there and couldn't wait to see what was in store for everyone. There were more people entering and once he thought most people were here he rung a bell that shut everyone up.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. We are here to see who has the strongest fighters out of the girls and the boys. Girls will be fighting any boy who steps up to fight them. Both men and women, you are not allowed to hold back. In the war you might hae to fight a girl which you need to learn to do. So from the men side who would like to begin?" I notice the boy who first flirted with me step to the plate. He was in for a hell of a beating. "Girls?" I stepped forward and smirked. Alll the men seemed suprised. "When the bell rings you begun, once i ring the bell two times or your opponent surrenders you must stop hitting them." We both knodded in agreement and he rung the bell. All the men were cheering on the man named James, while most of the woman stayed quiet.

James came forward at me attempting to punch me, but missed horribly. I kicked him in the ribcage and then punched him in the stomach. He stood up and you could tell he was stunned. "I sure as hell won't have a girl beat me." I smirked as he lunged to tackle me, yet he missed.

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