Everyday I'm Shuffling!

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Nick and I ran into the supermarket, hand in hand, screaming, "GOODMORNING EVERYONE." We got strange looks, but that happens everyday.




Louis ran up to us, then started to dance. Me and Nick joined. Zayn, Liam and Harry walked up to us. Giving us the same looks as everyone else. "WHATS FOR DINNER?" Nick screamed in my ear.


"FRIED CHICKEN." Louis yelled.

"All in favor?" I asked, me, Nick, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis raised our hands, Louis was jumping up and down. "Zayn? Are you good with chicken?" I asked smileing. I really would like to be friends with him. He looked up and nodded. "Chicken it is!" I grabbed Zayn and Nick's hands and ran towards the chicken place.

There is a place, just for chicken.

I looked back at Nick, he was yelling, then I looked at Zayn, he was smileing, finally! 


"Hmmm...." I said, tapping my chin.

Nick whispered in my ear, "GET LOTS OF CHICKEN."

I cracked up laughing. His pure randomness gets me every time. None of the other guys heard him so me and Nick just laughed hystarically. Like usual.  "Do you guys eat a lot?"  I asked, recovering from the laughing fit. They all pointed to Niall.

Cute little innocent Niall.

"He's a freaking garbage disposal... for food." Zayn said.


It was a lame joke, but it was a start...

I laughed, maybe a bit more than neccissary, but I wanted him to know I liked him (as a friend) but I liked him. He just smiled. No one else was laughing, so I stopped.


"Niall, if you eat so much, than you order," I said pushing him in my place in the line -there was no line- in front of the counter. "You and Nick seem a lot alike in the food area. Nick is the reason my house has no food in it," I said grinning at him, shoving him towards Niall, so you two decide on what to get. Who wants to get the drinks?" I asked the remaining 3 boys. Louis yelped and raised his hand. Harry did the same. "Kay gooooo!!" I shooed them off. "Me and Zayn will go get the desserts!" I told Nick and Niall, grabbing Zayn's hand pulling him towards the "Bakery" section.

"What should we get Zayn?"

"Whatever you want." he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"No no no no no. You must help." I demanded, pushing him towards the cookies and pies.

"Fine!" he laughed, "how about that?" he said pointing at some no bake cookies.

"Okayy! I said, snatching them up and running towards the drinks. "What did you guys decide on?" I asked Harry and Louis, as Zayn shuffled behind me.

Everyday I'm Shuffling!

::enter awesome dubstep::

"This!" Louis screamed. He pointed to a case of Cola. 

"Alright," I laughed. Louis took the case down from the shelf, grabbed my hand and began running back to the chicken place. "Looouuuuuu!" I said, my voice was bumpy since we were running, "The soodaaa iss gunna gettt shooookeennn uppp!" I told him, but he kept running. 

"Its more fun that way!" He responded goofily, with a huge grin on his face. He stopped, dead in his tracks, finging me into Niall, accidentally knocking him over. 

"Oohhh! I am so sorry!" I said, lending him a hand. He took it and brushed himself off. 

"Thats fine," he chuckled. We looked over at Louis who was jumping up and down, with the sodas in his hands. I rolled my eyes and turned to Niall.

"What did you guys get?" I asked him.

"A lot."


"DAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDD! We're hoommmeeee!" I screeched, walking in the door with the boys. My dad looked up and laughed. Please, Dad. Try to hide your enthusiasm. I dropped the shopping bags on the kitchen table and we all ran up stairs to my room. Laughing. "So, what should we do now?" I asked, it was only noon. Then there was a knock on the door. My dad walked in. 

"Hey kiddo," he smiled, "I see you guys are all getting along well?" We nodded our heads. I think Louis was about to snap his neck from shaking it so much.

That didn't even make sense.

"Good! Well, since I'm your new bodyguards, Management found it fit that you moved in with us." my  dad said.

My jaw dropped.



This > Life.

They were like my best friends.

My 6 totally weird, best friends.

Author's Note. 

Guyss(: Hope you liked it! By the way, Nick isn't moving into her house, but their still neighbors so yah, thats why I say "6 totally weird best friends." I felt like that was confusing. But it probably totally wasn't.


So umm yah. I'm new to this. xD

Rate, Comment, and Follow me if you want more!

I hope you can do that all on here. 

Pfffft. Newbie. 

Kay So yah! Bye

~ Shell 

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