The New Clients

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I sat in my room, my long blond hair tied back into a high ponytail. I was listening to Owl City. My favorite "band." Although its not really a band, because you know, there's only one person. I was texting my best friend, Nick. We were neighbors and our families had known each other since forever. My dad was best friends with his dad in high school. We were in the same grade, and we've been going to the same school since preschool. And now, we're Sophomores in high school. We were talking about our plans for summer. We only had 3 days of school left. Then its summer vacation. Thank goodness.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened and my dad walked in. I smiled and then, I saw 5 boys walk into the room. They looked around my age. They were rather familiar. Oh, they're those boys, from that show? X- Factor. I remember now, I saw them preform on TV this past December. They were really good.

I should probably introduce myself, my name is Alicia Higgins. My dad, Paul, is a bodyguard, and he is guarding these boys from now on. 

"Hello," I said, smiling. 

"Hey," they said in unison. Creepy...

"These boys are my new.. clients..." my dad told me, "this is Harry," he had curly hair. He smiled and waved. "This is Liam,"  My dad introduced the next three boys, "Zayn," he seems shy. Not for long... if he hangs around my family, he WILL be "converted" to craziness. "this is Louis," he pointed to each, "and Niall," my dad smiled. This one was Irish, like me. For some reason I didn't have an accent, like my father, but I was Irish none-the-less. "And together they make One Direction!" My dad over - enthusiastically yelled.

Pipe it down, Dad. "Well, I've got to talk to the boys' management and such, so you boys just stay here and talk with my daughter, this is Alicia." He said smiling, shutting the door. 

"Hey, I'm Alicia," I repeated my dad. 

"Hey," they smiled, saying it in unison, again. Creepier... 

"Soo umm... how old are you guys?" 

"Me, Niall and Liam are 16," Harry said, "Louis is 18 and Zayn is 17, how old are you?"

"16," I grinned.  They nodded. "You guys can sit?" I said. They all sat down. My phone *dinged* when Nick messaged me back. 

"Who you talking to?" Harry asked, looking over my shoulder. 

Nosey boy. 

"Umm my friend, Nick," I said, looking back at him.

"Ooooh, is he your boyfriend?" Louis asked wiggling  his eyebrows.

I glared at him, "No he's just a friend..." I stuffed my phone into my back pocket.

"CAN WE MEET HIM?" he screamed.

"I guess.... I mean he lives right next door... so he could come over?" 

"Yayayayayayaya!" Louis and Harry said bouncing. I looked over at Niall, Liam and Zayn, who were just sitting there snickering to themselves. I flung my phone back out of my pocket.

To: Nick(:

"Hey, my dad's clients want you to come over, can you make it?" 


From: Nick(:

"Nosey boys are they? Haha alright, I'll be right over!" 

"He said he'd be right over. So like 1 minute." I said kind of laughing.

Well this is awkward. 


Thats Nick for ya. 

The boys looked at eachother, curiously, kind of worried. Except Louis, he looked excited to meet someone of his own kind. 


"Just walk in Nick! My door is never locked! Idiot..." I said that last part to myself, but Nick heard it, because he walked in, pouting.

"You ruined my dramatic moment Leash!" I don't know why he calls me that, he has since we were little, it kind of stuck, I guess. The other boys were just cracking up, this wasn't all that funny to me, this was a normal day for Alicia Higgins.

Totally Normal.

I got up and hugged Nick, we always hugged when we saw each other, another thing that just stuck. Nick had dark brown hair that spiked up, nearly blck. His eyes were an unreal teal blue, everyone thought that he was wearing colored contacts. This kid was tall, too. Like 5'9. Unlike me, I was only 5'4.   

"Well?" I asked looking at him. 

"Well what?" he looked at me wide eyed.

"The joke!" I said in "duh" voice.

"Oh yah! My face hurts!" 

I rolled my eyes, the other guys all laughed. "Well thats what you get for hitting me in the face with a baseball bat! And how is that a joke?"

"THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT! HITTING ME BACK WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT LICIA." he yelled scrunching his face up, "and I needed a logical reason for you to let me in your room, since you don't like the paper..."

"Just shut up and sit," I said rolling my eyes. He sat next to me, I was in between Harry and Nick. Niall and Zayn were sitting on the little couch in my room, and Liam and Louis sat in two big comfy chairs. I looked over at Nick, who was staring at me really creepy-like. "WHAT?" I demanded.

"Who are they?"  he asked pointing to the boys. "I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND LEASH!"

"These are the boys my dad is guarding," I said looking at all of them. "This is Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry." They all waved. "And this is Nick-"


"Pipe it down, hyper- active Smiley, Dad's having a meeting!" I told him. We refer to each other's parents as our own. We were just that close. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked, biting my lip. These guys were quieter than expected. 

"Go to the mall? Or shopping or something?" Niall suggested.

"OH I WANNA GO TO A GROCERY STORE." Louis demanded. Nick agreed. 

"Everyone else good with that?" 

Everyone nodded their head. Yay. Shopping trip. 

"Dad! We're going to the grocery store! Do you need anything?" I yelled at the door. Well not at it, that would be weird. 

"Umm just something for dinner I guess?" He yelled back. I grabbed some money and the house keys. 

"I can't drive yet so we'll have to walk," I told the boys.

"Okay," they replied.

I yawned.

"You okay?" Nick mouthed to me.

"Yah," I mouthed back, nodding my head.


We were half way to the supermarket, just walking down the sidewalk. Me and Nick were walking together, then Harry and Louis, then Liam, Niall and Zayn. Zayn has said nothing since we met.




He just laughed and talked in unison with the others. So I guess it could be worse- but it was still awkward. 

I started twirling a strand of my hair, a habit of mine that I've had as long as I could remember.

It was really nice out. and it was a Saturday morning. It was still fairly early so it wasn't extremely busy. "AHH BEE!" Nick yelled in my ear. I didn't flinch, but the other guys did. I was used to it I guess. At least Nick and I got a laugh at the boys jumping and nearly running away. By the time we had all recovered from our laughing fit, we were at the store. 

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