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I sat there zoned out, tapping my pencil on my stacked notebooks. I honestly didn't realize that I was tapping to the tune 'Torn.' I caught Niall humming the same tune.

"I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel." I sung in my head. I loved this song so much. 

"You like that song eh?" Harry asked.

"Mhmm." I said- still semi zoned out.

"Lets hear you sing!" Louis chirped.

"Uhm- no!" I nearly choked.



"Pretty please?"

"No way in heck-" I looked up to see all of them giving me puppydog eyes- except Nick. He's heard me sing before. "I'm a terrible singer- if you guys hear me, I would forever throw your guys' amazing tune and you wouldn't be able to sing properly ever again!" I protested, not looking in their eyes. My reasoning was 100% understandable... and realistic.

"Oh- come on Leash!" Nick smiled at me, "you know your amazing!"

I blushed, I wasn't bad- but I wasn't good either, "no, no I am not, you, my friend need to get your ears checked," I smiled at him, "plus- even if I were to sing, I sure as heck wouldn't do it here! There's a bunch of people!"

"So?" Zayn asked.

"So, I sort of have like- an insane amount of stage fright," I yelped.

"You do?" Zayn asked again.

"Yah-" I admitted. I wasn't ashamed of it or anything. It only happened when I didn't know who was listening to me. Usually.

"Thats okayy!" he chimed, "we aren't a stage! Sing when we get home, kay?"

I had a feeling they wouldn't let this go.

"Fine," I sighed.

They all cheered. This was going to be interesting.


The bell rang and we were excused from 7th period. 8th period we were allowed to go outside until the day was over. Good thing too- Louis was jumping in his chair the whole time. 

"Lou- now we can go outside," Nick laughed.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Louis screamed, jumping out of his seat and sprinting out the door like a mad man. He suddenly walked back in calmly, "where's the door to outside?" he asked cooly- like nothing just happened.

The 6 of us erupted with laughter, and soon Lou joined in. 

"Come on!" Nick laughed and pulled Louis out of the room, pushing him through the double doors that led to outside. 

The rest of us walked out of the classroom, where I split up with the guys to go put my things back in my locker. We agreed to meet back outside by the giant cherry blossom tree. It was in full bloom right about now, and it looked absolutely beautiful. 

As I walked off towards my locker, I heard someone call after me. I looked over my shoulder to see Liam, he was smiling warmly and waving at me.

"Wait up!" he said as he caught up to me.

"Yes?" I asked as I spun the combination into the lock of my locker.

"I didn't want you to have to walk back out there alone," he said sheepishly.

"Aww thankyou Lili," I smiled brightly at him, I tugged on my locker and slid the books into its upper shelf, then slammed the door shut as I began to walk towards him. 

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