Chapter 7

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"I made a new friend today," Sophia told me, looking up from her spot at the table, where she sat, doing her homework. "Her name is Taylor. She's in my homeroom, so she showed me around the school."

"Taylor," I said, racking my brain for any students with that name in seventh grade. There were two. A boy, and a girl. I assumed Sophia's new friend was the latter. "Ah, I know her. She's a sweet girl. Very quiet."

"She already has a best friend, though," Sophia told me, somewhat disappointed. "This girl named Daria. I don't think she likes me very much, though."

"Well," I told her. "You're allowed to have more than one best friend."

"I guess you're right," she stated. "Callie will always be my best best friend."

"Maybe you could invite Taylor over sometime?" I suggested. "Stef and I wouldn't mind at all. I'm glad you had such a good first day of school."

We worked quietly for a few more minutes, when Sophia piped up, "Lena?"

What, sweetheart?" I asked, turning my attention from my paperwork to her.

Do you think people can do bad things and still be good?" she asked me.

I chewed on the end of my pencil. "That's a good question, sweets. Is it something in your homework?"

She looked down at her math worksheet and shook her head. "No. I was just wondering. Like, say a good person does something bad to a bad person. To protect someone they care about. Does that make them bad too?"

"That was a mouthful," I chuckled. "I think I need to think this one over before I answer." After a long pause, I finally did.

"I don't think anyone is either good or bad," I told her. "We all have some badness and some goodness in us. It's human nature. As for if 'good' people can do 'bad' things and still be good, well... yes, I suppose so. Everyone loses their temper or makes mistakes sometimes. But I believe all people are basically good inside."

"Could you ever love a bad person?" she asked, studying me intently.

I bit my lip, my interest piqued. "Yes, I could. Especially if they were as cute as you." I reached out and pinched her cheek.

Just then, the doorbell rang. "Would you mind getting the door, honey?" I asked Sophia.

"Okay," she said. She jumped up and ran to the front door. When she opened it, Mike was standing on the doorstep, still dressed in his uniform. I watched Sophia's body go rigid and her eyes widen with horror. She was so scared. My heart twisted.

Hi, sweetie," he said, in a friendly voice. "You must be Sophia. I'm Mike."

I hurried to her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Sophia, sweetheart, this is Brandon's dad. He works with Stef at the police station." I turned to the stairs. "B.! Stef! Mike is here!"

Callie wandered into the living room then, to see what was going on. I saw Mike's eyes fix on her. "Mike, this is Callie, Sophia's older sister."

"Pleased to meet you, Callie," he said, without tearing his eyes away.

"Girls, why don't you go set the table?" I offered. They nodded and hurried into the kitchen.

"Hey dad," said Brandon.

Mike hugged him, then ruffled his hair. "Hey, B. Go on out to the car. I'll be right there."

Stef came beside me and made polite conversation with her ex. Every so often, Mike glanced over at the kitchen. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

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