Chapter 12

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"What are you doing?" I asked Lena with a yawn. The day had been exhausting, processing the news, trying to decide how to deal with it. And as much as I just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep, I knew that in a few hours, I'd have to get out of bed to check on the girls, something I'd been doing since Callie's second night terror.

"Just some research," she said as I climbed into bed. She turned her laptop toward me so I could see the screen. "Counseling for Callie and Sophia."

"They definitely need it," I agreed. "As soon as possible."

"I just can't believe it," Lena mussed. "I mean, I knew something bad happened to them. I just never imagined it was so intense." She lowered her voice. "If I didn't know better, I would never have have guessed it was Sophia who did what she did. I would have guessed Callie." She closed the laptop and set it aside. "She's so protective of her sister and so guarded. Sophia doesn't seem like she has it in her to do something like that."

I don't know," I said softly. "But I do know that Sophia loves Callie. She felt the need to protect her, and she did." It was remarkable to me that Callie, who was so guarded and detached, had managed to raise Sophia to be the lovable, sensitive girl she is. On the other hand, I'd seen Callie's sweet and loving side too. It was just in hiding most of the time, like she'd built a wall around herself.

I thought back to when The Hunger Games first started getting popular. Mariana had read it, then begged Lena and I to read it, too. Callie and Sophia's relationship reminded me so much of Katniss and Prim's. Callie knew that she and her sister lived in a cruel and unfair world, but no matter what it took, she unselfishly made sure Sophia had as normal a life as possible, even if it cost her her own childhood.

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about all this, but my thoughts were interrupted by Sophia calling us from across the hall.

"We're coming, baby," Lena called back.

We could hear Callie sobbing from our doorway. Apparently, Jesus and Mariana had too. They emerged from their rooms confused, and half-asleep. Brandon slept with his earphones in, of course, so the noise didn't bother him.

"It's okay, guys," I assured the twins, as I opened the girls' bedroom door, and Lena and I went inside. Callie was writhing in her bed, crying for help, while Sophia hugged her pillow and wept.

"It's okay, baby doll," Lena said to Sophia. She went to her bed and took the her in her arms. She kissed and cuddled her, trying to sooth her.

"What's wrong with her, mom?" Jesus asked me, unable to tear his eyes from his foster sister. Mariana looked scared out of her mind.

I went to them and put my hands on each of their shoulders. "Please, guys," I said quietly. "Go back to bed. We'll talk about this another time." I kissed each of their cheeks, then nudged them toward the doorway. I knew they were curious, but I couldn't exploit Callie by allowing an audience in her room.

Once they were in their respective rooms, I went back to my foster daughter. "Sweetheart," I said loudly. "It's Stef. Can you wake up?" But she didn't. She seemed more distraught than ever. I watched her tossing and turning. Already tired and emotional, and unable to wake her, I burst into tears.

"Stef," Lena said, giving me a look of concern. "What is it, honey?"

"I just hate seeing her like this, Lena," I sobbed, brushing my hand across my face. Even though I'd only known Callie a short time, she was already my baby.

"Me too," Lena said softly. "But maybe we should just let her come out of it on her own? She usually goes right back to sleep and doesn't remember anything."

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