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I'm sick of tears

That stain my cheeks,

Admit I'm small,

Admit I'm weak,

Admit I've failed

To reach the goal

I let come in

And steal my soul

Right from my hands,

Right from my mind,

And it was mine,

My wealth to find,

My greed to bear

As it consumed

My heart 'til it

Burned into fumes

Of broken trust,

Little white lies

That charmed my soul,

Lit up my eyes

With silver tears

That pour down now;

That's all that's left,

These tears that drown

Me in their rain,

Their waters blue,

Like sadness I

Have come to rue

As misery

Far greater than

That of shadows

To which I've been

In twisted dreams

I brought to life

As if I sought

The chance to cry

Just one more time,

But it's done now.

I'm done with this,

My wailing sounds,

My pity sobs

That blot my face,

So red, so scarred,

I can't erase

The stains that stay

As memories,

Reminders that

Embarrass me,


Me in my plight,

Like salt on wounds

Time won't make right

In all its time,

There's not enough;
I can't forget;

I'm not that tough

In battle skin

Built to block out

Emotions that

Come pouring out

When we see pain

And feel it too;

Those tears will fall;

It's what we do;

We cry in hurt;

We scream in pain;

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