Their Home

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"Jamie...Jamie wake up." Molly said. "Mmuahhh wha..Molly? Your still here?" Jamie said sleepily. "Duh. I can't leave you in the middle of the night." Molly said. "Hehe yeah I guess my parents would be mad if you did." Jamie said. "Get up and get dressed sleepy head. Your parents are supposed to come home today." Molly said. "Ok fine..I'll get up if you make me pancakes." Jamie teased. "Me? Cooking? HA in your dreams. Now get up." Molly said. "Ughh fine your no fun." Jamie pouted. Molly rolled her eyes and walked out of Jamie's room. Jamie looked over at the clock she had on her nightstand. "Wow I guess I should get up..I mean its almost 12:00." Jamie got out of her bed and stretched. She walked to her closet and looked inside. She rummaged through the mess until she found a shirt her mother gave her last year. She put it on and she slipped on a skirt . She opened the door and walked down the stairs. "Finally your here." Molly joked. "I was waiting forever." Jamie scoffed "I was tired." she said "Whatever. I made you some cereal because like I said I can't cook." Molly said. "That's fine I'll eat anything right now." she rubbed her stomach and walked to the kitchen. She opened the cabinet and pulled out a box of Cheerios. Molly walked over to the couch and grabbed the tv remote. She saw headlights pull into the driveway. " I think your parents are home" Molly said. "Really! they took forever to get here!" Jamie said. Jamie ran over to the door an waited for her parents to walk in. The doorknob wiggled and her father was the first one to walk in. His eyes were streaked with tears. "Dad what's wr-" "Move." he said. "She obeyed and walked over to Molly. "Hey your back-, is something wrong?" Molly said. "Get out." he said. "but bu-" "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He yelled. Molly grabbed her bag and walked out as fast as she could. Jamie's mother walked in, sobbing. "Mom Dad what happend? Where is the baby?" Her parents didn't answer. Her father walked over to the couch and put a hand over his eyes. "Go to your room now. We will talk about this later." Said her father. She grabbed her bowl of cereal and walked up stairs.

Jamie sat in her room eating her Cheerios wondering about what had just happened. She called her friend Emily and talked with her. "So I hear that your parents are home," Emily said excitedly. "How's the baby? Is it a boy or a girl? What's it's name? Is it cute? Is it-" Emily was cut of with a rather distraught Jamie. "Ok Emily enough with the questions." Jamie stated. "Well how is it then?" Emily said. "The baby....didn't come home. I don't know why but I really wish I knew so I could help my parents." Jamie sighed. "Maybe it died." Emily said rather bluntly. "EMILY! Don't say that!" Jamie said angrily. "I'm sorry but you've got to face the facts Jamie." Jamie sighed again and took a spoonful of Cheerios. She heard a knock on her bedroom door. Jamie we have to talk. "I have to go Emily I'll see you at school tomorrow." Jamie said. "Ok bye." Emily said then hung up. Her dad knocked again. "Come in." she said.

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