I woke up with a yawn. I opened my eyes to see Balloon. I went to go check the time- Wait, BALLOON?? WHAT IS BALLOON DOING IN MY BED?!? Wait, IS THIS HIS BED?!? WHAT EVEN HAPPENED?!! I suddenly remembered the events of last night. Shittt. I realized that Balloon's arms were wrapped around me tightly. Double shit. I tried to sit up but he just pulled me in tighter, whining a little bit. My face immediately grew warm. Wait warm?? What is wrong with me?!?
I felt his breathing, it was kind of calming. I could hear his heart beat which made my face grow even warmer. What am I supposed to do?! I'm literally pressed up against his chest. Maybe I should just wait for him to wake up?? Ughh but that might take forever... Shit, I have to cough. But I don't really wanna wake him up.. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Whateverrr..
I tried to hold it in as best as I could. I felt it go away and sighed in relief.
I saw Balloon's eyes open slightly as he looked down at me. "Wha.. oh." "Yeahh.." We just stared at each other in silence. "We should get up." I said. "Yeah, we should." But we made no effort to move. We kept on just staring and staring at each other. I felt myself moving closer to him. I felt his breath against my face. I looked into his deep red eyes. They looked so dreamy. His face was inches away from mine. I looked down at this lips. They were smooth and looked very appealing. I moved even closer and then-
"Are you guys dead or something!! ITS TIME FOR BREAKF- oh."
Soap slammed the door open. We immediately moved (A/N: lmao more like rolled) away from each other. "Shit, my bad! Uh, you guys just continue what you were doing!!" Soap closed the door quickly but much quieter than before. I quickly sat up and dangled my feet off the bed. "Well, uh, I'm gonna get ready. Yeah.." I quickly grabbed some of my clothes and went into the bathroom. What is happening to me??
Holy shit.. what just happened?? And why am I burning up? Wait, was I about kiss Nickel?! No no, I wasn't.. right? It feels like there are bugs in my stomach. My face is heating up. I slowly sat up and felt my cheeks. Yep, those are pretty hot. Okay, I just need to breathe. Deep breathes Balloon. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I stood up and started walking around the room, thinking. Why did we do that? Is that what friends- enemies- frenemies? Yeah, maybe? Is that what frenemies do?
Ughhh, I'm overthinking this way too much. I'm just gonna change. I stood up and grabbed my clothes. I took off my shirt and threw it to the ground. Just then Nickel walked out of the bathroom. We stared at each other once again. He kept glancing at my chest. He quickly walked out the room and shut the door. Well that was a bit weird.. and awkward. Definitely awkward.
I finished getting dressed and put my hair in a ponytail. I left the room to go have breakfast. I decide to take the stairs since they're way faster than the elevator. When I got to the bottom of the steps, I saw lots of people sitting on the dining room table. Nickel was sitting at the end next to the kitchen. The only chair available was the one next to Nickel.
I grabbed a plate from the kitchen and sat down. "Uh, hi Nickel." "..Hey." Awkward silence.. "So, uh, is your food good-" "Just shut the fuck up, Balloon. I'm tired of your bullshit." I was a bit shocked when he said that. I thought that we were okay with each other now. I saw him quickly throw his food out and walk outside. "Jeez, you must've fucked up bad. Yang! Stop!"
Why am I even being nice to this loser?! He fucking sucks. I don't even know what happened last night. He must've made me think these thoughts about him. Why am I blushing?! I sit down under a tree near the hotel. Jesus, what is happening to me? I heard the hotel doors slam open. "Nickel? I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you make you upset.. i-if i did!!"
Shit, Balloon. Why is he even apologizing? I bet its just another trick. He's just manipulative! His stupid annoying voice!.. but why do I feel so bad about saying these things? It feels.. wrong. Why though? Did he do some- no. He didn't. Why am I even fighting myself about th- "Oh Nickel! There you are."
I look up to Balloon on his forefeet in front of me.. really closely. I jumped when I saw him. "Are you okay? You ran out pretty fast." "Yeah, cause I shouldn't be talking to you. You're probably here to use me for your own gain." Balloon sighed as he moved to sit next to me. "Look, I don't know if you noticed, but I've changed. The only one who hasn't is you. You're still a rude sarcastic asshole who likes to bully me. Maybe instead of being a bitch to me, you should take some time to self reflect."
He stood back up and rolled his eyes. "Wh- Hey! You can't say that to me!!" I yelled at him, standing up as well. "Yes, I can. I don't have listen to a thing you say. You can't control me anymore, Nickel! Stop trying to be an annoying asshole all the time!" My jaw dropped. "We're just roommates," Balloon started to say again. "So lets keep it that way. We have no need to interact anymore." Balloon walked back into Hotel OJ as I was left standing there, shocked.
I can't believe he said that to me!! What a dick. "I mean, he aint wrong." I jumped as a heard a voice from behind me. "Lightbulb?! What are. you doing here?" "Oh, I was just here to visit Painty but y'all had a bunch'a drama happenin' so I just watched from the back. Anywho's, I just wanna say, you're totally in the wrong in this situation."
"No I'm not! He was-" "Tryna be nice? Yeah, tiny silver bro, you're 100% wrrooonnnggg. Like, you need to chill a little. Try to be a bit nice?" "But he's annoying and rude!" Lightbulb shook her head. "That's what you're doing right now!" "Shouldn't you be fucking Paintbrush right now?!" "No! That's at 2:30, I have a few hours, but this is more important!"
"Just leave me alone! Stop trying to play therapist!" "I have a therapist license!" "Wait wha-" "Listen Nicks-" "Don't call me that" "You shouldn't be that much of a meanie weanie to Balloon. He's different now. Suits told me alllll about it. Just try not to be a dick all da time, okie doki?" I rolled my eyes. "Why are you even trying to help me?" "I'm doing Fan a favor." "That doesn't make any sense-" "Well, I gotta skedaddle. Cya laterrr!" Lightbulb walked into the hotel and closed the doors.
She's definitely wrong! I think.. no! She is! I-I think. Wait, is she? Why am I being rude to Balloon? He didn't do anything wrong.. I think. Maybe I should say sorry? Wait no! I shouldn't do that! He sucks! ..But why? What is wrong with me? Maybe I should do some self reflecting..

Getting Closer.. (A Nickloon Fanfic)
أدب الهواةWhat happens when two enemies become.. frenemies?? Or more?? I dont fucking know bro, read to find outtt this takes place after nickel and balloon got eliminated. they become roomates (duh) and fall in love?!?!! 🤯🤯⁉️ humanized!! im not gonna draw...