Group Chat

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the hotel group chat idea was from numspac3d 's book (i thinkk (please correct me if im wrong)) so credits to them 💃💃💃

also since box is in this chapter, i wanted to make sure you guys know how i feel about him!!

i hate him. i hate him so much. he should rot and die. he should've never been a contestant. microphone should've joined iii instead of him. if he was on fire, and i had water, i would drink it.. in front of him, and watch him suffer.

ok enjoy!!


I woke up to see Balloon cuddling me. I was a bit shocked but I was too tired to care. He was very warm and I was freezing somehow so I moved closer into him. It was surprisingly comfortable. His chin was on top of my head and I was pressed up against his chest. He was snoring loudly which wasn't helping my headache but I didn't really mind.

I felt him move his head which I assumed meant he was awake. I felt him jump and move away from me which made me reach out for him. I don't know what got into me but I wanted to cuddle with him more. He sat up next to me as I whined. "Heh, you're way more cuddly when you're sick."

I whined as Balloon stood up. "Nickel, I'm hungry, let me get breakfast. Plus, OJ said he wanted to announce something right now." I scoffed as Balloon left. "I'll be back soon! Just- stay here." "I can't even go anywhere..!" Balloon giggled as he left. Uggghhhhhh, I think I have a fever. Why didn't Test Tube say that was one of the symptoms?? I groaned in pain as I covered myself with my blanket.


I quickly ran down the hall as I felt my cheeks. He wanted me to stay, why did I leave?? I'm still trying to recover from what I learned last night. Hopefully I'm not actually weird around him.. I probably am. I went down the stairs and saw a bunch of the guests in a crowd in front of OJ who had a clipboard and a pen. "May I please have your attention?" Everyone quieted down as he spoke.

"As you know, Pickle went to go visit Knife and no one knew where he was or how to reach him-" "I literally told Box!" "-so I'm asking for everyone's phone number so that doesn't happen again. And I'll be making a group chat so that I don't have to call everyone down here since, as you can see, a few people still aren't here yet."

OJ whispered something into Paper's ear, probably about the people who didn't come, and told us all to line up in front of him. I, unfortunately, had to stand behind everyone else since people just love to push me around. It took about 15 minutes until I was at the front of the line. I wrote me and Nickel's numbers (with our names of course), and gave OJ his pen back.

I decided to go back upstairs to check on Nickel. Once I got there, I opened the door to see Nickel typing on his phone before looking up and seeing me. He let out an "Oh." and turned off his phone. "What was that about?" "I was gonna text you to come back 'cause you were taking to long." I felt my face flare up as I sat next to him.

"What did OJ want?" "He wanted to make a group chat or something so he asked for our numbers. I put ours on the list so I think we'll be added soon." As if on queue, our phones dinged from a notification.


Orange Juice: Hello everyone, this is the chat I was talking about. Please do not spam (looking at you Yang), and don't talk in here a lot. This is mostly for announcements.

Yin.and: Woahh, cool group chat

.Yang: shut the fucj up!1!1!!2!1!!1!1!


.Yang: no.

Soap: awww!! they have matching names, how cute!

.Yang: soap we're literally twin brothers so sHUT UP

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