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suitcase uses she/he >o< (and when i said he has short hair i meant like boy short or something)

i added a drawing (i hate it):

i added a drawing (i hate it):

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It's been about a week since me and Balloon saw Suitcase. We quickly went into the hotel before she could see us but he still doesn't wanna talk about it. Every time I try to bring it up, he somehow squeezes his way out of the topic. My ankle was starting to get better but I still have about 5 weeks to go before it's fully healed. I've been in bed most of the time since walking is a hard task for me and I don't feel like getting up most of the time.

Balloon walked into the room with lunch for the both of us. "Hey Nickster!-" "I told you not to call me that!" "I'll be eating lunch with you today since everyday you text me and cry about you're sad and alone." He handed me a plate while he sat next to me. "..Balloon, why don't you wanna talk about what happened the other day?" He choked on his food. "Uh- what are you talking about?"

"Balloon, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. When we saw Suitcase the other day." "L-Let's just watch a movie!" "Balloon-" "She doesn't know we're cool with each other, okay!?!" I was a bit surprised by his yell. "I haven't told him yet, mostly because it happened not too long ago and because she would've hated this!" "Huh?"

"He was the only one to stand up for me against you back then. Even though you apologized to me, I'm not sure if she'll forgive you. I just- don't wanna talk about this anymore. I'm going for a walk." He walked out the room and slammed the door. Shoot, I fucked up, again.


I took a walk in the forest, it always calms me down. I'm gonna have to tell her soon. UGH! And I probably made Nickel feel bad. It's not his fault- well, I mean it is his fault but he's trying to be better now! I'm gonna need to tell her.. in 1 month! Yeah, that should be fine. Fine fine fine.. I need more friends.

I continued walking in the forest and stumbled upon a field of flowers. There were marigolds, lilies, buttercups, bellflowers, pansies, camellias, and so much more. I had never seen so many flowers before. There was a sign in front of the field that said: "This field belongs to Bomb :) Trophy and Suitcase" with each of them writing their own names. Interesting group of friends.

I saw two people in the fields. One of them was clearly Trophy, he was taking photos of all the pretty flowers. I can't blame him. The other person was planting a new flower, a red one. It looked like a gerbera daisy. It kinda looked like the same color as my eyes. The person planting it had a soft fond smile on their face, like they were planting it for someone. Their brown hair was covering some of their f- wait. Brown hair..


I was about leave when she looked up and saw me. "Balloon..?" "O-Oh! Heyyy Suitcase!" He stopped what she was doing and ran up to me, giving me a hug. I hugged him back. "I missed you!" "Hehe! Me too!" We separated from the hug. "Sooo, how have things been at the hotel with, y'know.." "Uh- good! Haha! Yep!" "Really? Nickel hasn't gave you any problems or anyth-" "SO WHATS THIS F- Oops, sorry. So, uhhh, what's this field for??"

"Oh! I made friends with Bomb and Trophy! We come and plant here whenever we want. Well, mostly me and Bomb since Trophy just likes to take pictures and stuff, like he's doing now!" "Really? Trophy?" "Yeah. He's actually pretty nice when you get to know him. He doesn't like to open up about a lot of stuff though." "I'm glad you've been having fun."

"Yeah! I'm glad Mephone doesn't make us have challenges every day. I get to spend lots of time with those two! We have each other's number's as well!.... Hey wait a minute- You avoided my question!" "I have no idea what you're talking about!" "Balloon, I asked you if anything happened with Nickel and you changed the subject!" Shit, uhhhhhh think of something Balloon! "Well, uh, I just- he's been-"

"BALLOON!!" I jumped when I heard my name being called.. by Nickel. "..Was that Nickel-" "O-Of course not! I mean, why would Nickel be calling my name-" "I'M SORRY FOR BRINGING UP SUITCASE AGAIN!! I WAS JUST WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" ..Goddamnit Nickel. "Excuse me for one second Suitcase!" I quickly ran back into the forest I found Nickel trying to find me.

"Oh, there you are! I'm really sorry for bringing up Suitcase aga-" "You have really bad timing, Nick." "Huh, what are you talking about? Also, don't call me Nick." "Suitcase is literally in that open field and I was just talking to him about stuff and then you just started screaming my name, and now she's probably mad at me!" "..Oh. I wasn't really paying attention to who was in the field 'cause I was worried you had died or something."

"Well that's sort of sweet in a questionable way but this is good. I needed to tell him, so we're going to tell her together." "Good job- Wait what?? TOGETHER? No, absolutely not. She freaking hates me!" I sighed. "Yeah, and you still haven't said sorry for all the things you've done to him." "You literally just said you didn't wanna tell her." "Well he basically knows now, might as well get it out of the way."

I grabbed Nickel's hand we made our way to the field (A/N: balloon changed his mind 7 times and nickel had to basically drag him there 💀💀). I didn't look Suitcase in the eye but I could tell she was staring at me, clearly confused. "Why is.. Nickel with you..?" "Uh- hi Suitcase.."

"So, uh, Suitcase, as you know me and Nickel got eliminated and uh, we had to be- well i mean we are roommates and um, well Nickel fell the stairs and then he broke his ankle-" "And you broke my nose." "-and when I went to check on him he apologized for all the shitty things he did- and uhm, I forgave him which I know you probably don't approve of- but- I, uh, wanted to tell you and to have Nickel apologize.."

I nudged Nickel's arm 'cause I could tell he zoned out. "Oh- uh- I'm really sorry for treating you badly in that alliance. It was wrong for me to make you steal and be rude to you and Balloon. It wasn't right and I don't know what I was thinking doing all those things. I-I think I was probably mad about Balloon or something, I don't really remember. I know this probably doesn't make up for what I've done but I just wanted you to know that I regret it." Suitcase was quiet for a few minutes, processing what he had heard.

Trophy's camera clicking was in the background (I think he even took a picture of us). She finally processed and responded. "I.. forgive you Nickel. But this doesn't make us friends or anything but it's a start I guess. And Balloon, you didn't need to be so nervous about telling me! Sure I would've been a little taken aback but I'm gonna dictate who you can and can't be friends with!" "Oh.. so I was worried for nothing?" "Yes, yes you were." "Shut up Nickster." "I told you not to cALL ME THAT-"

Later that day..

Later that day

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