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testy: they/he/she/xe/it (yes, in that order)


"UGHHHH HOW MUCH LONGER UNTIL MY ANKLE HEALS???" "4 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, and 51 seconds." "Oh- wow- have you been counting?" Me and Balloon were in Test Tube's lab, checking in about my ankle since Balloon was sick of hearing me complain. "Nope, but I have this neat timer on my computer!" Xey turned it over for me and Balloon to see. "Oh. Interesting. Anyways, is there anyway to make it heal faster??"

"Well, Fan helped me make this new experiment that apparently heals wounds and bones faster. You just put three drops in water, only water that part is really impoartant, and then drink it! It should cut your healing time in half!" I took the chemical and shoved it into Balloon's chest who rolled his eyes and took it. "There are some side effects.." "Like what?"

"Well, you'd have to be on bed rest for the first couple of days, probably about 48 hours, depends on how you feel, and then take it really easy. You'll also be really really tired and you'll be in a lot of pain so make sure not to push yourself or anything like that. It should kick in about 3 minutes of you drinking it." "How does that even work?"

"Well, it makes your body use most, if not all of your energy to heal the wound. It depends on how big the wound is too. Based on you, I'd say you're gonna be in some pain. Like you're gonna have a migraine and be really really tired most of the time, especially in those first 48 hours. If it gets too much for you, you could always just take some medicine!" "Hm," Balloon mumbled, giving the potion back to Test Tube, "You're not doing that." "WHAT? WHY NOT!?!"

"Because it's a bad idea and I would have to take care of you. I'm not helping you pee in a bottle." "You wouldn't help me, you could just give it to me!" "It's still gross, Nick." "Look," Test Tube started to say, pinching his nose. "Why don't I just give it to you and you can decide back in the hotel? Fan is sleeping in the other room and you guys are being really loud." "Ha, gayass." "Nickel, go suck Balloon's dick. He would definitely enjoy that."

Test Tube left to the back of the lab where all the rooms are and I was left there shocked. "Wh- I- uh- F-FUCK YOU!!" My face was bright red. "Balloon, carry me back." "I- Wh- HUH?? W-Why?!" "Because I'm disabled!" "No the fuck you- y'know what, I don't have the patience or time to argue." He picked me in bridal position which made my face even more red.

"I-I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA GIVE ME A PICKY BACK RIDE!!" "Well this is your punishment for asking for an easy way out." "I'm still bringing the potion." We exited the lab and walked towards the hotel. I put my hands around his neck as I slowly rested my head against his chest. He pulled me in a bit closer, which made me feel like I have bugs in my stomach.

It's a nice feeling.. I'm not sure why. I don't even know where this feeling came from.. it only comes out when I'm around Balloon, which confuses me. I don't know why it only comes up with him. I should talk to someone about this.. but not Lightbulb, anyone but her. I could try talking to Soap.. maybe. Yeah, I'll try talk to-

"NICKEL!!" "Huh? WHAT?!" "I've been asking to a question for the past 5 minutes!" I noticed we were sitting on Balloon's bed in our room. "I must've zoned out." "I was asking you if you wanted me to get you the water so I can put the drops in." "Oh yeah, you can get that." Balloon left the room and I was stuck here.. with my questionable thoughts.

I kept on thinking back to when I was in his arms. It was.. comforting. It made me feel warm and fuzzy. I don't know if that's bad or not. Maybe it's because we're really good friends now? UGHHH!! I don't know!!.. I used to feel this way about Baseball but this is way stronger. I can't even look at Balloon without my face heating up. Okay I REALLY need to talk to someone about this, this is getting weird.

Balloon came back with a cup of water and sat next to me on my bed. "How many did she say to put?" He asked, grabbing the bottle. "2763." "Okay, it said three." "Why would you ask me if yOU ALREADY KNEW HOW MUCH TO PUT?!" "Because it's funny." He put three drops in the cup and gave it to me to drink. "This water tastes disgusting!" "What did you expect? You're literally mixing chemicals with water."

"SHUT UP!" "I hope this kicks in soon so I don't have to listen to your yelling." "BRO STOP ATTACKING ME!!" "That's sooo annoying." "YOU'RE SO M- mean.. ow." "Are you okay Nickel?" I started to feel dizzy. "Y-Yeah, I think the potion is kicking in.." "Do you need anything? Food? Water? A cool towel?" "No, I just wanna lay down.." "Okay."

A few hours later


I didn't expect the potion to effect Nickel this much. He's been in bed all day (which is good based on what Test Tube said) and he's been taking lots of naps. We did watch Mean Girls and I think he liked it. He was trying to go back to sleep now and I was sitting next to him on my phone in my pj's (luckily I didn't have to change Nickel's clothes since he was in his pajamas when we went to see Test Tube).

He was on his side facing me with his eyes closed. His breathing was slow but calm. He looked so cute.. wait cute? Not cute, I meant.. something else!! I was getting tired so I slowly got up and was about to talk over to my bed when I felt something grab my wrist. I turned around to see Nickel.

"Don't leave.. please.."

I immediately turned red. He wanted me to stay with him? Why..? His eyes were half closed, he didn't even look awake. I just stood there for a moment, thinking of what I should do. "Nickel, I have to go to sleep.." He whined and held my wrist tighter.

I just stared at him. He looked so sad. I caved and said, "Fine.." I climbed into the bed and laid down next to him. He smiled softly and moved closer towards me. He snuggled his face into my chest which made me... embarrassed? Yeah, embarrassed. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and smiled softly.

Wait.. are we CUDDLING?! I felt my face warm up a little. I don't think I've ever cuddled with someone before. Well I mean we were technically cuddling on the first night we stayed here.. b-but that was because I had a nightmare! Now we're just doing it 'cause.. it feels nice, I guess. He's so warm and welcoming like this.. it's nice.

I start inspecting Nickel's face. It looked so.. cute. His snores are so quiet and adorable. He looks so peaceful. Some of his hair was in his face so I gently move it. I don't know what made me do this but I moved my face down and..

Kissed his forehead..

When I moved my head back I immediately started freaking out. Why did I do that?! That's not something friends do.. right?? I don't know if that was friendly or not. I feel myself blush- blush?! Wait wait wait, I can't be blushing!! That would mean that I like Nickel-



I like Nickel..

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