hydrangea; gratitude

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𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐒𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐈 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒. he feels it's not his business and that it would be too much work. on most evenings when atsumu spends hours away from the dorms, he doesn't particularly care what he does. though, throughout the past week, atsumu has been frequently in and out the dorms after practice, and sometimes even before that.

he concludes that he's either with you, or cramming at the library. but when atsumu doesn't respond to whether or not he has his keys (he doesn't, kiyoomi found them on his bedside table), he took it upon himself to dial your number. not that he's worried or anything.

"hi, y/n. sorry for calling you this late at night."

at first, you didn't understand why sakusa kiyoomi of all people, would consider phoning you in the middle of the night; given the bizarre routines he had established for himself, it was unusual for him to even be up at this time. nevertheless, you picked up the phone.

"hi, kiyoomi! don't worry about it, i'm suprised you're even awake right now." you say, a laugh leaving your lips as you sat yourself down.

sakusa rubbed the nape of his neck, "uh, yeah about that, i'm pretty sure atsumu left his keys here, and his phone is probably on dnd because he isn't responding to my texts. i was expecting him to come back sooner, but apparently not. so given that he likely has your notifications turned on, i was wondering if you could go check on him or text him if that's more convenient for you."

sakusa was well aware that you had a key to their dorms and that you would most likely agree to go and give it to atsumu. you were already slipping on a jacket and getting ready, so the option of texting him was almost unnecessary.

"so atsumu kept you up past your bedtime, and now i'm being forced to leave my perfectly comfy bed and drag his ass back to his dorm?" you muttered, an amused look on your face. atsumu usually frequented the library when he has an important exam coming up, and he has mentioned it to you earlier this week, so you're going to assume he's there.

despite your complaints, sakusa knew you were probably out the door the moment he told you atsumu left his keys. he rolled his eyes at the thought. you were both absolutely and horrendously whipped for eachother.

sakusa groaned from the other line, "yes. goodnight, y/n."

and he hung up.


𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐘, you took the liberty in buying a bottle of water for atsumu (knowing him, he probably has been drinking a bunch of energy drinks to stay awake, he needs water in his system).

when you head into the library, you immediately spotted atsumu's faded blonde hair. the sight of him brought a smile to your face. before approaching him, you asked the librarian for a sharpie. you quickly wrote down a small message that consists of 'tsumu! stay hydrated you nerd. take a break from studying, will you? xo, y/n.'

yeah. you deliberately wrote the 'xo' there. you hope that it slightly alarms him. of course you don't mean to be cruel; you just like all the different expressions atsumu makes. he has such an expressive face, its quite adorable, really.

"oh my god," you whispered to yourself as you stopped in your tracks. you immediately acknowledge that you are just as whipped for him as he is for you (as if that wasn't obvious already). for whatever stupid reason, as you approach atsumu's seat, the sight of him causes your blood to start to rush to your cheeks and gives you the creeping feeling of having butterflies in your stomach.

you bit your lip to supress your smile.

you placed the bottle of water beside his books and plopped into the seat next to him.

he turned to you, a suprise look on his face. "are you real? i'm not hallucinatin' am i?"

"stop acting stupid. i'm here because yer an idiot. kiyoomi called and said that you weren't answering the phone and that you've left your keys at home." you explained, a nonchalant look on your face as you watch the colour physically drain out of atsumu's face.

atsumu immediately scrambled out of his chair and looked through his workspace, bag, pockets—literally everywhere. a pout formed onto his perfect pink lips as he sat back down, a look of disdain on his face.

"omi's probably asleep..." he grumbled.

you grinned at him, "don't ya worry! i have my spare keys to your dorm. i know, i know, i'm literally perfect and amazing. i even gotcha a bottle of water. no need to thank me or whatever,"

atsumu's gaze softened as he seemed to have physically relaxed, "you're an angel," he breathed out, reaching to grab the water you have gifted.

your eyes widened. "i—uh, thanks?" you mumbled, wanting to immediately burry yourself 6 feet under to hide the horrible flush that appeared on your cheeks.

you're adorable

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you're adorable. but also i'm kind of scared of you. you looked at me today as if you knew...i'm not going to go in depth about that since well, i have to reveal myself eventually. i shouldn't be worried (but i severely am).
anyways, i hope you enjoy these flowers!  hana said you would like them. the meaning behind them fits perfectly with what i wanted to write. i feel like a lot of people don't appreciate others for their actions, but i want you to know that i'm always grateful for you, for existing. you always seem to appear before me in times where i need help (kind of like an angel), and i just wanted to give you my thanks. you have such a pure and lovely heart that i always seem to be falling for you even furthur. despite not seeing you much today, that short interaction we had filled me with so much gratitude and love for you. i hope you know how important you are to me, and i know love might seem a bit intimidating, but when it's you, i was able fall willingly and with ease. i hope you appreciate these flowers and my words just as much as i appreciate you and all your stupidity.
gratitude/i'm really thankful for you.

𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐚gratitude/i'm really thankful for you

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xoxo . miya atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now