alstroemeria; strong bonds

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𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀 𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 (read: terrible) habit of detonating your phone whenever he gets the chance. due to his 'academically-focused mature lifestyle', he claims that he never uses his phone. however, you were, unsurprisingly, awakened by a ton of notifications from none other than the man himself.

sunarin was equally as terrible, but nothing compares to the wide variety of apps that atsumu seems to have tagged you in. lets not forget the 78 text messages from every app possible.

(tiktok): _tsumu mentioned you in a comment: @sunnieyn bro this is literally u

(tiktok): _tsumu mentioned you in a comment: @sunnieyn the way the ginger cat ran into the wall reminds me of u LMAO

(instagram): miyaatsumuu sent you a reel

(twitter): theblondetwin mentioned you in a tweet: WAKE UP!!! BROOOO

academically-focused mature lifestyle his ass. you rolled your eyes as you unlocked your phone to his millions of text messages.

atsu: i'm crawling in ur walls.
atsu: bruh can u just wake up already???? i'm starving out here 😒😒😒
atsu: im coming over so hurry up!!!!!!!
atsu: also bring a jacket it's lowkey kinda cold
atsu: unless u wanna wear my volleyball hoodie that has my number AND my name on the back lolzies 😍

i hate miya atsumu, you thought to yourself (no you don't, but he's such a flirt).

you quickly text back to tell him to shut the hell up and that you'll be there in a couple of minutes. unfortunately, you were immediately bombarded by 15 new text messages. you can practically hear his voice through the screen.


atsumu was already waiting outside your dormitory building, leaning against the entrance and fidgeting with the hem of his oversized volleyball hoodie.

his eyes practically lit up at the sight of you walking down the stairs.

"a couple of minutes? yer such a liar, y/n! you took so long! i've been here for almost 30 minutes!" atsumu whined, shuffling towards you with a huge, dramatic pout on his lips.

you shoved his face away, "oh, shut it! how was i supposed to know that you were actually outside?"

"i literally texted you?!"

"as if i had the time to read all of your messages! i was busy getting ready!" you grumbled, a smile slipping out onto your lips.

atsumu smiled immediately at the sight of your smile, "excuses, excuses. let's go already!"

you linked your arm through his and looked up at him, "hey, don't you have a class right now?"

the giddy smile on atsumu's happy face changed immediately, causing you to burst out laughing. one moment, he resembled a happy puppy excited to go for a walk, the next he looked like someone who got caught in the act of a crime.

atsumu looked away shamefully, "no idea what yer talkin' about!"


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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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