coreopsis; always cheerful

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hi! i'm so so sorry i sent these a bit later than i normally would! i wanted to write this letter after your game

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hi! i'm so so sorry i sent these a bit later than i normally would! i wanted to write this letter after your game. i really enjoyed watching your game, you played absolutely amazing, do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise. i'll personally beat them up for you. i loved watching the way your eyes lit up at each point you scored. your face brightened so much during the first
match you
played—it was enough to make me smile.
yet your expression dropped near the end. i hated seeing you upset over that one point that tipped the game around in the favour of the opposing team. i hope you know that none of your teammates blame you for that. it's okay to lose and it's absolutely okay to be upset about it, but i hope that this letter maybe cheers you up. the flowers are bright and colourful so it should bring your shining smile back where it belongs! on your pretty face :)
i'd play badminton with you one hundred times over (even though i suck) just to see your eyes shine. just so you're cheerful again, i promise that you played amazingly. you thrived on the court. remember, i'm always rooting for you!
always cheerful/i hope these made you happy! i hate seeing you upset, smile for me, yeah?

 remember, i'm always rooting for you! 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬always cheerful/i hope these made you happy! i hate seeing you upset, smile for me, yeah?

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐙𝐄 the tears rolling down your face t'ill you lift your hands to wipe them away.

you were holding the bouquet of bright coreopsis in your arms and the letter in your right hand.

screw atsumu and his stupid letter.

you started crying even more as you finished his letter. your eyes were so blurred with tears that you didn't even realize that atsumu himself was sitting right beside you. outside. on the cold concrete of the dormitory entrance. at 12 a.m.

atsumu gently spoke up, "you okay?"

slightly startled by his sudden appearance, you let out a choked out 'yes' as you try to blink your tears away.

atsumu notices the letter that was firmly in your grasp and laughs at your flustered state. he hands you a small cup of pudding and a bottle of water. "i bought you these. do you want'a eat?" his tone was significantly quieter than he normally is, "actually, have ya eaten dinner yet?"

"no," you mumble.

he hums, "thought so. okay c'mon we're going back into yer dorm. i'll make ya something to eat, 'kay? up you get,"

you couldn't find the words to thank him for literally just being there, so you nodded and took hold of his hand. it was so warm and comforting that you might just cry even more (you did. it was kind of embarrassing on your part because atsumu's mean and laughed at you).


𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐓𝐎 finish cooking. he handed you a plate of omurice, which he seemed to have decorated with ketchup.

the omurice was smiling back at you.

"tsumu, this is so good," you comment, and atsumu hums in satisfaction, "'course, i'm the one who made it." his response made you scoff. osamu definitely taught him how to make this simple meal. atsumu rarely cooks, and when he does, it's normally something he picked up from his brother.

atsumu suddenly stood up to stand beside you. you looked up at him, confused.

he pulled down the sleeves of his hoodie and carefully uses it to wipe away any remaining tears from your flushed cheeks. he was gentle with his movements, his face glancing down at your frowning one.

he rolled his eyes and mocked you by making the same expression, "do you want water? tissue?"

before you could even form a response, he left to go into the kitchen and placed a glass of water beside your half-eaten omurice. he took the tissue and wiped your never-ending tears off your face.

you blink, eyes scanning his expression before dropping down to the glass of water, "you''re babying me."

"because yer being a baby. stop pouting, n/n, you did amazin' today, 'kay? don't beat yerself up over that one point." his lips curve into a smile, "do you want the pudding? i know you like eating pudding when yer feelin' like a moody little baby."

you grumble, and atsumu chuckles as he opens the cup of pudding for you and slides it across the the table. "either finish the food i made with my love and effort or eat the pudding i bought for ya. i didn't waste my time and money for you to not eat anything."

atsumu stares at you, "you look stupid crying, so smile for me will ya?"

you rolled your eyes, "okay. thank you, tsumu."

you watch as atsumu smiles to himself for seemingly cheering you up (not saying you don't feel cheered up, you do), but christ, he's making you believe in forever. loving him made you yearn for an eternity with him.

aaand you started crying again. your nose all scrunched up and your lips capered in a frown but laughs were escaping them. maybe you were feeling emotional after your loss, but you find comfort in the presence of miya atsumu. he felt like home.

atsumu thought you looked silly, seeing you laugh and cry over nothing in particular. one moment you were eating peacefully then all of a sudden you had tears streaming down your face. he notices the letter he wrote for you was being held delicately and close to your heart.

he tries to supress his smile but he can't. his cheeks hurt from smiling at the way you seem to cherish the letter he wrote. his cheeks hurt even more when he eventually starts laughing at the sight of you crying and laughing at the same time. you whine at him to stop laughing, but of course he doesn't.

despite your tears, you wanted to live in this moment, with him, forever.

xoxo . miya atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now