Chapter 4

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A loud crashing noise came to Mafuyu's attention as soon as she placed a book on the shelf. Was her mother back already? She hurried to the window but instantly flinched back as she caught sight of a figure that definitely was NOT her mother. A horse stamped its hooves and a voice followed, "Easy, easy, it's alright. Just stay riiiiight here! I'll be back if the coast is clear later!" 

Mafuyu risked another glance outside and saw a ginger haired boy trying to calm down a restless horse so that he could tie it to a nearby fence. He then suddenly whipped his head back in the direction where he came from, at least where Mafuyu assumed he came from. She quickly ducked out of sight, however, as the boy ran closer to the tower. A minute later she heard... boots scraping on rock?? Was this person trying to climb the tower??

Mafuyu felt panic rise in her chest as the sound got closer and closer. This person was insane, he'd get killed if he made the wrong move and fell down from here! But his grunts of effort were getting closer by the second, so Mafuyu had to do something.

She grabbed one of her mother's cooking utilities, a frying pan, and ducked down underneath a table. If he came, she was well prepared.

A ginger head peeked over the window, green eyes scanning the area. After a few moments, the ginger hauled himself up and climbed in through the window. Mafuyu froze as she sized up the intruder. She'd never seen another person before, besides her mother. And she had especially never seen... a guy. 

But as soon as he started to walk around the place, Mafuyu shook herself out of the daze. She quickly ran out from under the table and hit him on the back of his head with the pan.

The ginger didn't even let out a cry as he collapsed onto the floor. Mafuyu dropped the pan and tore her hands through her hair. Oh gosh. Now what. She had a person in her house??? What would her mother say?? Maybe it was a good thing... Maybe this could prove that she was ready for exploring the world after all! Though the idea of using someone for her own benefit made her uncomfortable, she considered this a victory. But that still didn't answer the question of 'what do i do now.'

The ginger started to stir and Mafuyu took a horrified step back, but to her relief he didn't wake up. "I guess I'll have to make sure he can't escape or do anything bad.." Mafuyu thought to herself.

She looked around and her eyes landed on a box of scarves that her mother usually wore in the winter. But right now, since it was summer, they were stuffed into the corner of the room. She then got to work and hauled Akito in a chair she had pulled over. Then she tried as best as she could to tie him up with all the scarves. That should do.

She stood there and studied the figure in front of her. His ginger hair was wild and disheveled. He wore a blue vest on top of a white shirt along with some blue jeans, although it definitely looked like he had been running through a forest. In a way, he kind of made Mafuyu feel something in her heart.. something warm.. 

Suddenly he jerked awake and Mafuyu squealed in surprise. He quickly looked between Mafuyu and the room in shock, then looked down at what had bound him. "Are these... scarves??" He asked, seeming to be thoroughly amused.

Mafuyu scowled at him. "Uh, yeah it's not like I had anything else to tie you up with." She grumbled. "Anyways I should be the one asking the questions. H-how did you find this place and what are you doing here??"

Mafuyu x Akito: Tangled AU Version!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now