Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:

Three days went by quicker than I ever thought was possible, we had spent them preparing everything. Armor, weapons, tools, traps, and explosives. We had woken up everyday at dawn, gathering resources until well after sunset. The last couple of nights have been busy and restless. When I did have time for myself, I spent it wide awake worrying about the war. Even after weeks of preparation and the three days notice, we still don't have the best armor or weapons, but we can only hope it's enough to win against Dream.

"Get any sleep?" I nearly jump out of my skin, startled at the voice beside me. I look over and see Tommy, dressed in shiny armor–similar to mine–that seems to weigh him down. He's almost unrecognizable, looking much older than he is. His sword is sheathed by his side, his hand resting by it. All I can see are his light blue eyes from the slits of his helmet, even now they show a hint of anxiousness.

I shake my head, "did anyone?"

"Doubt it," he shrugs and a silence spreads through the air, both of us either too tired or too fearful to think about what comes next.

"Do you think-" I pause abruptly, not wanting to continue my sentence. Tommy looks at me expectantly, waiting for the daunting question he knows I'm going to ask. "Do you think we're going to win?" I say at last, my voice quiet.

"Maybe." He shrugs again, though I see the underlying worry in his eyes. He's scared that we'll lose. We all are.

"And if we don't?"

"We will." Tommy looks down. "I won't let them take L'manburg from us too." His voice suddenly seems so small, and I'm reminded of just how young he is, how young we all are.

Before I can say anything else, Wilbur calls him over, his voice booming across the clearing. Tommy gives me one last look before quickly scrambling up to where Wilbur is standing, overlooking us all.

They both give a speech, boosting the people's morale before letting everyone disperse off into their battle positions. I'm about to leave for my place when there's suddenly a hand on my shoulder.

"You be careful." I recognize the voice instantly; Tubbo. "Alright?" I nod, my heart warming in gratitude at the gesture.

"You too," I say, glancing up at him. Our eyes meet and he quickly averts his gaze, looking away. He opens his mouth to speak again, but nothing comes out. Before either of us can say another word, Tommy's there, pulling on Tubbo's arm for him to follow. I look around, we're one of the few left in the clearing, everyone else gone to their designated spots.

"Let's go," Tommy says, half-pulling him along. "Wilbur's waiting for you by the gates," Tommy looks back at me, a sort of nervousness sets between the three of us. The unsettling reality that perhaps one of my friends won't make it back alive, the horrifying truth that this could be the end of it all.

"Good luck," Tommy says, his voice sincere—as sincere as Tommy gets anyways—with the faintest trace of worry behind it. They both walk away, awaiting Dream's presence, awaiting his army. I can only stare, lost in thought, the words falling from my mouth.

"Good luck," I finally whisper.

But they're too far away to hear it.


Dream and his team are nowhere to be found. We decide to go back to L'manburg to regroup in case he had planned an invasion. After hours of waiting, Eret speaks up and tells us about a secret he's been hiding.

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